Sick plants Leaf problems


Hi guys and girls!

Had some great days before i ran into problems.

Im currently at day 14 after sprout, and they have looked healthy up until yesterday.
Will try to include as much info as possible so it is easier to determine.

Strain - Bubba kush, and Roadrunner #2
Growing in soil - biobizz all-mix
Lights - 250 Watt MH about 12" away
Temp - 68-83 Fahrenheit
RH - 35-45
Watering schedule - every 2-3 days, dries quickly but allways check before watering.
Nutrients - No nutes yet.

Some early problems i have solved - High temperatures 89.6 and high water PH ~7 now down to 5.5 - 6

Problem is the leaves are starting to discolor and curl upwards, they have all the same conditions and watering schedule but some seem to suffer more than others. As you can see the soil on the most curly one is quite wet, I ended up watering it before this picture as the leaves started to feel dry and crubly to the touch. Any ideas for what it can be?

Tell me if you need more pictures or info.


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When I was growing my best seedling growth - young was at 70% humidity and then slowly lowering it down. You might want to use some kind of Root Helper seaweed kelp or something maybe I don't know though 14 days is pretty young and I don't know whats in Biobizz all mix.


Thanks for the quick reply Chodee.
I will try some seaweed kelp tomorrow.
Going to keep my humidity a bit higher trough misting the walls of the tent, as i unfortunatly cant afford an humidifier this month.

Starting to think that the all mix is screwing me over, read that it contains 5% organic pre mix nutes and a quote from their site makes me worried " This heavily pre-fertilized substrate mixture emulates a rich outdoor soil with a full micro active ecosystem." Think i might have killed them with love.


Active Member
The 250 seems awfully close to the plants too. I use 250s for veg and clone and I need to keep it 6-9 inches farther away than that.


Well-Known Member
Try getting the humidity up to 60% they may be transpiring water quicker from the leaves faster then the undeveloped root system can uptake it. Curling and torting leaves can be a natural defense for the plant to conserve water. If you have a fan blowing on them maybe direct it in a way so it's not directly blowing on them and turn the speed down you can also mist the leaves with water.

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
hard to tell with this one, either 2 of this might be a solution. Metal Halide might be too much for your new seedlings too close or too hot. Or it might just be bad luck with the seeds, you find deformed/weird looking seedlings once in a while. Could also be fans hitting them, even the water.


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda dealing with the same thing with 1 of 9 seeds. Curling leaves and looks weak.
I blame it on genetics an toss it. The other 8 are fine in the same tray.


Thanks for all the replies!

So here is what i ended up doing, sprayed tent and got humidity around 50 (wish i could buy humidifier) moved the lights a bit back, turned one fan off and cursed genetics in my sleep. To my delight this morning, i woke up to a slightly more happy plant, the green leaves left have straightened a bit out and seems to be doing better. So gave them a good spray since it is lights out in an hour. Thanks yet again!

