Sick Seedling


New Member
Hi Guys This is my first post.

I have a seedling on the way. It was doing fine, then I accidentally bumped it. Now 2 days later it looks like it is going down. I wouldn't usually worry about it and just start another. However the guy I got the seed off died the day before I planted it and i wanted to have this plant grow to completion and smoke the buds (if it turns out to be female) In honor of the beautiful old sole that gave it to me. That would make him proud! Raffa is sick.jpg

Is there any hope?


Well-Known Member
Ehhhh bad medium bro. Try to take the peices of wood out so that it doesnt get wood toxicity.. ;)

Nah jk I just dont like that medium... I use soiless because the first 1 week it doesnt need nutes(ehh so the rumor says but if u use potassium it will help the roots grow bigger) also since its a baby you dont wanna give it an adult serving or an obease mans lunnch dinner and breakfast all together... remember baby survive on the tit for like 3 years andmore and its child abuse.. it needs a propper meal.......