sickly g-bomb HELP!!


Well-Known Member
2012-11-15_17-12-30_217.jpg2012-11-15_17-12-41_740.jpg anyone have an idea of what might be wrong with my plant its a big budah g-bomb feminized its been like this for a while just now able to post about it I have it under a 125 50 and two 23 watt cfl's I don't have ph tester so that is my guess Idk tho any help is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Just by the light green color and the yellowing lower leaves, I'd say that plant wants more nitrogen. If you are feeding it and it still looks that way, your pH is likely off. You can get a pH test kit from any garden/hydro supply, pool supply, or aquarium store for less than $10. The kits aren't as accurate as a fancy meter, but they are plenty accurate for soil grows.


Well-Known Member
Give it some food looks like it needs some nitrogen and some calmag. Judging by the second pic of the leaf it looks more like it needs food all around bump the regimen up a little and see how she reacts.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
i would say a ph issue just because i see alot of wood chips in the soil which will cause a low ph, but do not try and fix this until you have a ph meter to measure properly, you could add a couple table spoons of garden lime into the soil that would be pretty safe without a ph meter. hope this helps