Side Lighting!


New Member
Hello all my name is matt and im located in Maine (and in the area where it is legalized).... Im starting the building of a big couple of rooms, the girl told me to go hog wild equipping it so i am! Ive got a 5'X5'X8' area that is part of a walk in closet, Im planning on 2 600 Watt HPS lamps and i had the thought about lighting from the sides on the lower area's of the plants to increase yields. I can go and order 4 8 bulb t5 fixtures and hang them sideways on all 4 sides of the tents, But im wondering how much light plants can use and what is complete overkill? I have always grown with single 4' t5 lamps in the corners of the rooms.... I dunnno i wanna go hogwild but not to the point where i might hurt the plants or just be wasting power...
I like the idea and have thought about doing that my self, a lot run 1000w HPS so your only 200 over them.. the t5 units I would maybe only light 3 sides leaving one side for easier access and maybe downsize the sides to 3ft units ? With the right spectrum bulbs it would be fine


Well-Known Member
i would get at least 75 watt per square foot for your space. The 220w T8 on each side would be great


New Member
No LED's HID Guy... I like the 3 sided idea that would ease getting at the plants... I think i am gonna throw down and grab 3 of these
and mount them at about the 3.5 foot mark above the floor and center them so whatever side they are on so that theres 6" on either end to the end of the wall....
Thats 40,000 Lumens more on some area's of the plant that dont normally get alot of light at that level.. and even if it just beefs out the outer ring of plants thats fine with me.. mission accomplished! So thats what 180,000 lumens from the HID's and 120,000 lumens from t5's...