Sigh, is it really this hard?


Well-Known Member
Growing should be a relaxing pass time,but when we all start out we all go through bad times.if you are struggleing with temps then i would advice getting started with cfl's and fouresents.i have 3 4 ft flouresents on chains[cool tubes you want these lights to be sitting in the top of the plants.then buy 4 wall mounts you want to wire them all up like you would a plug mount on each side of the grow room add 2 warm daylight cfls these will give you the heat that you need.have a smaller station next to this with 2 wall mounted cfls both warm daylight bulbs this will be for cloneing.get to grips with a grow like this before trying h.i.d/h.p.s if you still want to use these then have a good exaust fan pref one that will take air out of the room into a loft space.don't let growing become a stress or it will take all the fun out of smokeing some realy nice nugs.another tip is have the room a little bigger than you need this means there is less chance of over heating,still use all the space but just grow in one corner and have two large fans to move the air around,it is best if you can build or have a growroom that is has hgh has the ceiling that way gives you plenty of height for the heat to rise then just buy a couple of vent covers and the air will go into the loft area cove these with a pair of tights so no insects dust mites can get back into the room.but trust me the key to a good grow room is haveing a good exaust fan and a nice light hps hid put more vents in the room for lights on a velcrow black/white plastic over them when in bloom.


Well-Known Member
I am growing with peace of mind because:

1) No one knows about it.
2) I live in a small boring retirement community where the most action is a loose dog - so there arent any helicopters flying over with FLIRs or whatever infrared imaging gear they use.

I feel pretty secure and that is exactly why I dont want *any* suspicion being raised.

Just order from attitude and don't worry about it. That isn't going to raise any suspicion and you can get the genetics you want. Also 88 degrees is good enough to grow with. 80 - 86 is ideal so 88 shouldn't really be a problem.


Well-Known Member
I just got my order from Attitude a couple of days ago. It was my first order from them, but it wont be my last. I got the seeds in six days. They were packaged very discretely, and I only used the regular cheap shipping. Seeds looked great and they gave freebies. I like the pick and mix idea.


Well-Known Member
I just got my order from Attitude a couple of days ago. It was my first order from them, but it wont be my last. I got the seeds in six days. They were packaged very discretely, and I only used the regular cheap shipping. Seeds looked great and they gave freebies. I like the pick and mix idea.
rofl you guys talked me into it. I have been browsing Attitude...I am going to order some..but once I get my environment setup properly and a way to track pH / nutrient levels in soil accurately.

I thought about getting some an autoflower strain but to tell you the truth I'd like a strain I can clone. Also know I have to get a fairly short and bushy strain but not a fan of the "couch-lock" high. What would be a good say 60% sativa / 40% indica strain (if the exist?)

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
jjf1978, don't let mistakes discourage you from your goals and most importantly if you're going to commit yourself to something do it right.

I'm new to growing too but if you stick at it and learn from your mistakes you will be growing bountiful crops in no time. Your results will reflect the amount of effort you put into it.

There are basic needs for a hydro setup to be successful and if you neglect to recognize them your plants will suffer. My approach is to make sure you do everything to keep your plants "happy". How would you like to be in a hot and stuffy room for 18 hours with no fresh air?

Check this video out for some tips and maybe some inspiration:
He tells you everything you need for a hydro setup (except for the need for air stones in your res)

Is it possible to grow outdoors in pots? That in my experience has been the easiest way to grow bud with minimal management.

Also I don't think you need to worry much about the DEA busting down your down for growing a few plants. They dont care about average joe growing a few plants for personal comsumption.

If you were the DEA who would you really want to be going after? I would assume the DEA spends its resources battling the Meth and heroin game, so grow your heart out man.

Good luck man I hope you will soon realize if there is a will there is a way.

where's your fans at man???? and yes its tru .. u have a hermie .. but hey shoot me some seeds for free!!! haha jk..

but yea if u dont have fans you should get a couple of cheap ones.. your plants look like they're suffocating to me.. get some air circulation goin on and do not over water.. they're extremely green leaves on your plants so idk..

good luck man ... seriously.. im on my first plant.. i cant even get these fuckers to germinate lol and u complainin bout "plants" haha wish i could have my shit sprouted already


Well-Known Member
Definitely don't worry about making mistakes, everyone makes them especially when getting started. The best growers probably made the most mistakes of anyone. Just chalk it up to experience and keep at it, with the resources you have here you will be able to figure it out.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Yes I found this out, frustrating :shock:

I wonder if I can cut a hole in the ceiling of my closet and vent into my attic? Attic is right above me but man I dont like cutting holes in my house haha. I'm a computer geek not a damn carpenter...dennis leary said it best

"They say marijuana leads to other drugs. No it doesn't, it leads to fucking carpentry. "
if you can get away with that i would. i would even cut a hole in the floor and pull freash air in also if your not already. good luck. just find a way to coolit down some.:hump:


Well-Known Member
stick it out man! you thread and these posts have been really helpful to me as well. i've tried 3 times so far and each ended tragically. but this time i think i've learned a lot and have done a lot of reading.

as for Attitude seeds...the site looks good. anyone have reccomendations for a new grower? something simple, fast and not overly combursome in terms of plant size?


Well-Known Member
dude, if you haven't told anyone about your grow then think like this. It's a plain old plant like the other house plants you have but not in the window. Nothing more....Doesn't have a huge sign on it saying felony or look like a dead Ok, take care of the smell part with a carbon filter. You didn't say money was an issue so if the a/c isn't good then the hole in the room for venting can be fixed in the future with one trip to home depot and some paint.

The bag seed is hard to grow and most seeds just plain suck and were ment for outdoor growing. Out of 10 bagseed plants i have one that has gone into super plant mode and is the same age but looks like it came from another planet from the others. It is now mom to all the others sucky plants. clones taken from it now and we are on a roll. If your that paronoid when you finish out your grow start looking into good seeds. After much research it is hard to narrow down to 2 or 3 seed packs. If money isnt an issue spend a couple hundred dollars on good seeds. So you don't have to buy seeds repeatedly for the paranoid factor buy 2 packs of fem seeds and one pack of regular seeds. That way you will get experience with specific seeds repeated grows rather then a bunch of different strains that grow differently and need different stuff. Good genetic seeds should help a ton....Breed for seeds and clone and your in business...

Attitude is good and genetic wise for reg seeds I cant find any...not one complaint about Serious seeds breeder (not cheap but worth it)....just which one to buy from them. Id say lean towards bubble gum for 1st grow.... The fem pack there are many seeds breeders to look at but serious seeds don't do fem packs so now widen your search for fem. packs and i am getting tired head so enough for now....


Well-Known Member
Ok as you find now that there are many good seed companys on attitude I am going to give you my narrowed wish list from much search. Take your time on what seeds to buy and research them....

This my current wish list for next time...put these on your review list to buy option....

$88 -11 seeds Serious seeds Bubble Gum
$82 - 6 fem seeds Reserva Privada OG KUSH or OG KUSH THE #18 Feminised
$39 - 5 fem seeds Barneys bluecheese Seeds -(Skunk No. 1 (Cheese) x Afghani) x Blueberry $59 for 10 reg seeds

$28 Seedsman white widow 10 reg. seeds or fem seeds a little more

desert fox

Well-Known Member
your crop doesn't look awful. Keep it going man. Find your faults and correct them. It seems you got a pretty nice light. Now your next step is venting. Run a cool tube into the attic. It will help. Find a easy soil mix that will work. Fox farms is simple stuff. Its best to keep it simple when your working on a smaller scale. Rome wasn't built in a day. Eventually you will get better. Once you get it down to a science you will be proud of your accomplishments and have great buds.


Well-Known Member
Thank all of you guys for your replies!

As for the venting issue, I think I am going to pop a hole in the ceiling of my closet, as stated I can just easy fix it if anything goes wrong or I move my location with some spackle and drywall from home depot lol....That should help me keep the temperatures in the closet down because currently the hot air from the tent is being vented into the closet instead of elsewhere.

As for seeds I have been looking at seeds on attitude for like 2 hours hahah, so overwhelmed but I know I want a strain that a) finishes within 8-9 weeks and b) is indica dominant for height management but also has a fair amount of sativa - not a fan of heavy "couch-lock". I was looking at the pick and mix seeds...I will investigate the strains Relaxed suggested :)


Well-Known Member
Well I'm a dedicated dyed in the wool hempy bucket fan. Grew all last summer with a grow room spiking well past 100 on numerous occasions. Not claiming it was a perfect situation but I did get some fairly good herb out of the deal...which since I couldn't find no place to get any was all I had. I use gallon buckets painted white to keep out the light. Pure pearlite for a grow medium. Will be using a 50/50 mix of Pearlite and Turface this time out of the chute. Dont buy Miracle Grow Pearlite..its garbage. Got something in it that my plants dont like. Good luck.

I really feel extremely frustrated. Like most of you I don't want to buy my herb from some shady stranger who may have laced his stuff with who knows what....

On the other hand the last 4 months has been so much stress on my mind, constantly thinking about my crop and constantly battling temperatures, PH, nutrient issues and this is what I end up with....(see pictures below).

I look at peoples harvests and am I just an idiot? Is it really that damn hard? I can't do hydro because I just CANNOT get my temps down past 88 therefore the reservoir would be too warm and produce algae. The reason I'm having temperature problems is because I can't exhaust my grow tent outside, it gets exhausted in the room its in...totally stupid but I just have no choice...I can't seem to keep a soil pH balanced enough to keep the plants thriving...Also I have just total shit seed genetics cause there is no way in hell im ording seeds from the internet.

What alternative ways could I grow, I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works :(