it's just as much fact as anything else. more than, actually. the philosophy is based on the core of existence, it's the only absolute truth available. you know the whole brain in a vat thing? the fact that everything you know may be an illusion? the absolute truth transcends that.
enlightenment isn't so much about achieving a certain level of power, it's training to hold a certain clarity that most people fail to notice they even have. when training yourself to hold the clarity you feel it, it's not working to cash in on a promise that some crazy guy could have fabricated centuries ago.
some traditions do hold some type of belief in a reincarnation cycle, infact they aren't uncommon at all, but i think all that's just as goofy as the idea of heaven and hell. some of these traditions hold that if you live a certain way, you will eventually not have to be reincarnated and you will transcend to nirvana and live happily ever after. i'm not willing to bet on that.
way i figure, after we die, this life ends. the part of us that lives outside the realm of time continues on and allows other life to continue. so i kinda look at it like i will forget everything about this life and i will turn into a baby again. just a hunch, it seems balanced to me. it could have happened before i was born, and it doesn't restrict how i live my life now.
if you're thinking of more concretely, yeah, there are people living today that have achieved varying levels of enlightenment, it's guessed to be around <2% of the worlds population. i consider myself to be one of these people, i've had a few tastes of the ultimate truth and i hold a certain clarity when i interact with the world around me, but i've lacked the discipline to hold the it for a prolonged period of time. i'm more of a tourist in this realm, but there are others who live there on a daily basis.
you could say some of these people actually gain superpowers
they gain enormous sensitivity to human emotions, giving them enormous insight into the lives of others,
some gain great control over their physical body (increasing their body temperature, changing levels of perception, directing physical strength to do mind-blowing things, concentrating to release certain chemicals which effect their body is various ways),
many of them do lucid dreaming all the time, some can even hold consciousness in deep, dreamless sleep. full awareness, 24 hours a day.
and all of this has been witnessed and scientifically tested