Sik's Perpetual CFL grow


Well-Known Member
So I have about 13-14 plants in party cups from some killer bag seed. They are heavy indica's. They are under a 65w and 85w CFL 12/12 in Miracle grow moisture control. (killer soil considering its miracle grow I love it)

The plan: Should get at least 4-6 females I would imagine, top them all and clone the top clippings, introduce the clones in one week intervals to the 12/12 area to eventually establish a harvest per week.

Going to keep them small in prob 1 gallon pots and hope to harvest at least a 1/2 ounce per plant. Will keep them in a unused bath tub, probably 8-12 plants in there at a time depending how big they get.

I will hang 6-8 65w CFL (300w equiv a piece) on shower curtain rods. 3-4 bulbs per rod. The rods will be placed parallel to each other. This will allow easy height adjustment. A white shower curtain will help reflect the light and the white shower walls.

The clone area will be setup in a closet with smaller cfls. I will just continually clip top clones as they go into the 12/12 room or possible before depending on how long and how big they get in the clone room before they are moved.

Here they are now at the moment in a unused bathroom I was in the middle of remodeling before deciding to make it a grow room.



Well-Known Member
Yeah the plants are looking better than the setup at the moment lol but stay tuned and Ill have pics up of the actual grow setup soon.


Active Member
Looking good. I am trying something very similar at the moment. So you have them in 12-12 now and are topping them when they show sex, then cloning those right? Are you going to grow a mother? Just curious, looks like got a good plan. Oh and as soon as I get some nice cfl Bud I will post them in your CFL Super Bud Thread for sure.


Well-Known Member
I had thought about keeping a mother but instead, I will just continually clone from tops. So once I clip tops from these plants and clone them once the clones are of sufficient size I will also top them and clone those.

Cloning tops can be more difficult than lower branches but is still possible If I start to encounter low success rate or any other problems then I will keep a mother.

Thanks for the interest keep checking by for more updates.


Well-Known Member
ass more? Lol... yeah Im going to add alot more lights, just using those two CFL's to get them going then gonna pack on the watts. Im looking for at least a total of 800watts of CFL's.

I would like to try and keep this all CFL's just for the sport of it but if need be I have two 400w HPS standing by. I also plan to put a couple clones outside either gorilla style or in a greenhouse in the back yard dunno yet though.


Well-Known Member
Will post up some new pics 2 moro... gotta go out and buy some more CFL's.. and do something about the heat problem Im having in there


Well-Known Member
intake and exaust and breeze on the cfls so just a small fan blowing on them i had the same problem with mine it wasn't bad when the lights where up higher


Active Member
Will post up some new pics 2 moro... gotta go out and buy some more CFL's.. and do something about the heat problem Im having in there

Ya i had that same problem the other day i went to check on the temp after the lights were on for 30 mins and that shit hit 104F.

I have added 2 cpu fans and a fan blowing on the lights and i had to lower the plants a bit.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Yeah I keep forgetting to post pics because things have not been developing much, They are root bound in their party cups now so not alot of growth. I'm waiting for sex to show before I go transplanting them to their final pots (dont wanna waste them on males). My timer got screwed up so they havnt been on 12/12 as long as I've thought.

They just got on a 12/12 cycle this past sunday so Hopefully they show sex sooner than later. Other than that they are all looking good drinking water up like crazy.

I did however ditch the CFl's for a 430w hps bulb on a 400w ballast. Once I have my females out of the litter and the start to grow out some I will probably add another 400w HPS providing I can keep the heat down. I will use my CFL's for the clones and maybe a mother.


Well-Known Member
smaller plants take about 20 days to show sex some sooner some later i had 4 that all showed in 21 days smaller lsted in fast food big culps in my sig


Well-Known Member
they are about a month and half old to two months, and before you say how small they are for the age its cuz they are staying in party cups till I get sex and have had a screwed up light schedule lol.
