Sik's Perpetual CFL grow


Active Member
Those are about the same age as mine. 4 have showed preflowers but they're also the only ones I have in 3 gallon pots, all the others are in 710ml.-2L. My buddy that I got them from has his in party cups still and has no sign of any preflowers. I think it has alot to due with pot size, he thinks I don't have enough light. They're looking good man, keep it up


Well-Known Member
nah pot size does not matter, there are people that harvest plants from something as small as a shot glass, however the plant will be really small. You should see sex by the 28th day of 12/12 light cycle, or once the plant is so old it will show sex anyways.

Reason mine have not showed sex yet is I just started the 12/12 light cycle this past Sunday, will be quite a few more days before sex shows probably.


Well-Known Member
they are about a month and half old to two months, and before you say how small they are for the age its cuz they are staying in party cups till I get sex and have had a screwed up light schedule lol.

the plants look good man


Well-Known Member
Thanks sicc, soon as I find the females and replant them in bigger pots they should really take off and explode. Debating on doing a scrog I have had good success with that method in the past.

I bend and snap them over into a 90 degree angle then start routing them through the screen turns out well. We will see though.


Well-Known Member
half tempted to go ahead and transplant them into something at least slightly bigger and cheap to allow them to grow some more. I want to hold off on the final pot size and setup until I have my females.


Well-Known Member
12/12 was started this past sunday if you read back in the post some. I had actually wanted to start it along time ago but my timer was screwed and I didnt know it. Hopefully sex will show soon, I have two that already have some very small female preflowers from what I can tell but we will see.


Well-Known Member
So got a question for ya all, I plant to line the tub with a tarp and fill the entire thing will soil then replant them all in it, should lead to some monster plants with that much soil and room for root growth.

Problem is I would like to do it sooner than later because of them maxing out these party cups. I fear doing it without knowing the males yet though. I could care less about all the girls sharing root space but Im afraid after I hack the males out their dying roots leftover in the soil could screw things up.

Whats your guys thought? think it would kill the rest of them or maybe just something minimal like fluctuate the PH etc. Hell may even be good maybe they will give off extra nutes back into the soil rofl.


Well-Known Member
Havent tried it with weed but its common practice in gardening to grow 3 plants and chop the 2 underperformers... I imagine it would be broken down like all other plant matter


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking but other people have said it will cause root rot and kill the other plants, and the plants with "fight" each other for food and root space eventually killing most or all but one plant... I unno I think it would work out fine but dunno if Im willing to risk my plants to try it so I may just stick to pots.


Well-Known Member
So got a question for ya all, I plant to line the tub with a tarp and fill the entire thing will soil then replant them all in it, should lead to some monster plants with that much soil and room for root growth.

Problem is I would like to do it sooner than later because of them maxing out these party cups. I fear doing it without knowing the males yet though. I could care less about all the girls sharing root space but Im afraid after I hack the males out their dying roots leftover in the soil could screw things up.

Whats your guys thought? think it would kill the rest of them or maybe just something minimal like fluctuate the PH etc. Hell may even be good maybe they will give off extra nutes back into the soil rofl.
I dont think it would be a problem, when i was doing DWC the roots would get tangled together, and when i found my males, i chopped them and left the roots in the rez with no negative effects


Well-Known Member
well lets just do a vote, who would like to seem them planted in a bathtub full of a bunch of soil or see them grow in pots around 3gal probably?