Silkroad 2014

Nothing is guaranteed, but if you are only ordering 1-2 grams then I doubt Law Enforcement is going to waste the time and money to set up a sting operation to bust you. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's unlikely. L.E. has to account for the manpower they spend so they are more likely to go after the big dealers so that they can take their assets to help pay for the operations. You have much more to worry about on those sites if you are a vendor than you do if you're a customer.

I have a friend who lost a lb of weed in the mail and all he got was a confiscation letter. He didn't even receive a visit. Keep your orders small and you should be okay. On another note, if you ever do get a visit from LE, NEVER, try to talk your way out of it as they try to get you to cooperate and say that they want to help you just to get you to admit guilt. Then they will have a much easier time getting a conviction. The only thing you should say is that you want to talk to a lawyer. They will get mad and probably arrest you but you will have a much easier time getting the charge dropped or reduced. This was advice given to me by my lawyer and I've followed it to a Tee.

Correction. You should say that you refuse to say anything under your fifth amendment right. Your simply remaining silent is no longer enough.