Active Member
I know people have gone over this a lot, but what type of soil is best for indoor cultivation? I've seen a lot of "recipies" for good soil, but I don't know where to purchase said items, is there any potting mix that is good for growing straight out of the bag? I bought a big bag of worm castings (I'm going to mix in 1 handful for every 6" pot). Please help me out with this I'm currently using MG moisture control soil, but the soil gets really compact after a watering, then the soil takes like a week to dry out, in which time I'm wondering if I should water again. I've had my little seedling under a 430 watt hps son agro and two t5 (at a safe distance don't worry no heat problems) and after about a week and a half it's only grown about 2". That's bad right?