silly things you just cant handle,fingers on chalkboard,glass on glass weird stuff...

buddha webb

New Member
I could not do that job,,i was once handed a cloth with water and vinegar and a i declined...Its something i have no control over...i can have a big spider climb on me and i dont flinch,im concerned,but just act normal and it goes,,that would fuckin stick some people six feet under,,,my son speared a cobra outside our house,wasnt keen,but wasnt to bothered,now vinegar,,thats a different story,,
no fucking DOUBT!
i cant stand cotton or foam.
it makes me shiver just thinking about it.

whoever said vinegar...... you would hate my life.
im a janitor, and the cleaning solution we use is.........50% water, 50% VINEGAR.
its kinda smelly at first, but now i dont give half a fuck.

buddha webb

New Member
I understandd you,i find people who have silly things that wind em up annoying too,,,but what do i do??Im 40,and i fucking despise it.....I think if we both went to the same place to eat,you would be kicking off on the people who ate in a way you found innapropriate,and i would be killing people in there faces for putting vinegar on there be honest i dont mind others eating vinegar,just i need a 7-9 metre border area...vinegar free zone say!!

I can't stand people that can't stand stupid things like vinegar...

I also can't stand the sound of eating... I hate it... Open mouthed eating is the worst... drives me insane, I even tell people that I don't even know to chew with their mouths shut it annoys me so much... but the general sounds of eating annoy me... unless I'm eating to... then the normal eaters get a pass... Open mouthed eating is for lesser creatures... not people...


Well-Known Member
and i would be killing people in there faces for putting vinegar on there food.......
For me, people who make a big deal out of small things, worse if they act like something out of GTA when they do it :)

p.s I love getting the vinegar bottle, pouring a small cap out and drinking it, even smelling it!! I love to smell them!

Also people who use the word hate like no tomorrow, hate is a strong word.

buddha webb

New Member
Many friends like to drink vinegar in front of me...theres definately nicer drinks out there....cant help my hang up...Killing people in there faces was in a humorous context,,
Tenner,there must be something slightly irrational that doesnt make you feel as happy as you did before it happened....I know a girl whos fucking petrified of Midgets?Dwarves?Elves whatever the PC term is..

For me, people who make a big deal out of small things, worse if they act like something out of GTA when they do it :)

p.s I love getting the vinegar bottle, pouring a small cap out and drinking it, even smelling it!! I love to smell them!

Also people who use the word hate like no tomorrow, hate is a strong word.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Many friends like to drink vinegar in front of me...theres definately nicer drinks out there....cant help my hang up...Killing people in there faces was in a humorous context,,
Tenner,there must be something slightly irrational that doesnt make you feel as happy as you did before it happened....I know a girl whos fucking petrified of Midgets?Dwarves?Elves whatever the PC term is..
I think in general they prefer little people...

buddha webb

New Member
Elves get sexy, have babies too?I thought they fell off Father Christmasses sleigh,landed in fields,buried holes,came out 16 months later dressed in little green jeans with shoulder straps,little red jumpers,and a little stick on their shoulder carrying little mini gloves,hats,mini socks,a tiny sandwich,and maybe a piece of gold they want to sell to make them big again???..ive been misled.I suppose Midget men when they get to 80yrs they dont turn into Trolls?? fucking lieing teachers.Dwarves arent male Mermaids either are they???...ive been living in a dream!!!!

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Mermen are the male equivalent of Mermaids and I don't know about the 80 year old midget men turning in to trolls... I'm sure they'd look like them...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
'Ghetto' to me is reminiscent of 'rape' and 'epic' in it's modern colloquial usage being so divergent of it's now rather antiquated origins.

^^^ That was fun to write. :eyesmoke:

buddha webb

New Member
Yes apparently,when a midget reaches his 80th summer,he returns to being a Troll.....and goes to live in a glen somewhere,they live to an average of 400 human yrs which is 20 Troll summers.Dwarves invented skateboards,they wore long dresses so people couldnt see the magic board,thus giving the illusion Dwarves could glide,certain Trolls are famed for their gliding.Elves..I dont expect you to believe this but Elves derived from the word ELVIS,yes the famous one...When he died a number of people accidentally touched his skin thus creating ELVES....a structure distorting disposition that stunts growth and make chubby fingers...

buddha webb

New Member
its best we know!!You know about people whos lower lip sticks out further than their upper lip???dont get me started,its basically a water related issue..

buddha webb

New Member
Started with the Darwinian way.....
when the earliest human beings,homo erecticle where walking the jungle of the worlds,often water would drip from the lush green tropical canopy,they learnt that by extending their bottom lip they could catch said water driplet without turning there heads ,hence leaving all there direction towards looking for the wooden clubs they liked so much,and keeping an eye out for prey to eat....
A Cave man named Boddhi Moonlipp,began inserting crescent shaped wooden molds in their tribes bottom lips,,,thus enabling their tribe to hunt,,drink,,and search for those wooden clubs they love so much..
Im a kinda Wikipedia.....


Well-Known Member
'Ghetto' to me is reminiscent of 'rape' and 'epic' in it's modern colloquial usage being so divergent of it's now rather antiquated origins.

^^^ That was fun to write. :eyesmoke:
I cannot argue with you there. I'll admit my vocabulary has expanded since joining this site... in a rather detrimental way. I'll be saying 'yo', next. Or 'Hella'.

I'm sure you did have fun writing that.

I'm lucky to have moved out of the 'ghetto' a couple of years ago. Now we are the novelty ethnic family. Takeaway boxes seem to do fine for developer trays though. The only problem with all that vinegar is it burns and the smell lingers for ages. It makes your hands pruny and I can't stand the tingling sensation. Perhaps I should have used gloves, but I hate the feel of latex on my hands.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I cannot argue with you there. I'll admit my vocabulary has expanded since joining this site... in a rather detrimental way. I'll be saying 'yo', next. Or 'Hella'.

I'm sure you did have fun writing that.

I'm lucky to have moved out of the 'ghetto' a couple of years ago. Now we are the novelty ethnic family. Takeaway boxes seem to do fine for developer trays though. The only problem with all that vinegar is it burns and the smell lingers for ages. It makes your hands pruny and I can't stand the tingling sensation. Perhaps I should have used gloves, but I hate the feel of latex on my hands.
Dat's hella funny, yo.