Silver haze plant Budding in June Need advice


Active Member
Alright i posted this a couple of days ago and I just wanted to clear some shit up.
I bought a silver haze plant off a kid i met in rehab(for weed), the kid stole it off someone. I have no idea who he stole it from and he was just going to sell it to someone else if i didn't buy it, So I did, it was a good deal $30.
I feel fuckin terrible about taking the plant, I would return it, but i dont know whos it is(karma is a bitch and i like to stay on its good side) I would actually like to find the owner and grow some weed with him, maybe get some clones of his other shit, learn from him(because this plant is beautiful).
BUT i can't NO idea where it came from so stop with the hate crimes. damn

anyway the guy started budding it early, i dont know what to do with it. i dont have the time to be covering/uncovering it everyday to keep the light cycle going 12/12. Could i possibly just leave it with natures cycle or will it go hermy from the stress or should i keep covering it.
I need some suggestions. please.
i am a good person, i would never steal a plant, against my morals.


Active Member
how big is it? if your just starting summer i think u'd proly beable to let nature do its thing.. it would re vegg bigger the plant b4 flowering the more bud u'll get and i believe silver haze is sativa it would proly be late fall b4 it would be finished so u'd have to watch for frost while its finishing.. but thats my 2 cents



New Member
Alright i posted this a couple of days ago and I just wanted to clear some shit up.
I bought a silver haze plant off a kid i met in rehab(for weed), the kid stole it off someone. I have no idea who he stole it from and he was just going to sell it to someone else if i didn't buy it, So I did, it was a good deal $30.
I feel fuckin terrible about taking the plant, I would return it, but i dont know whos it is(karma is a bitch and i like to stay on its good side) I would actually like to find the owner and grow some weed with him, maybe get some clones of his other shit, learn from him(because this plant is beautiful).
it seems like you made a post about this before and got some flack for it... there are some mega-sensitive ppl in this forum and I can be one of them. I have good morals (most of the time :P) and i dont see anything wrong with what you did. you didnt steal it,, and it was already stolen,,, 30 bucks is a lot for a clone though,, buddy stole it,, and he's in rehab for weed? wtf?? i would have told him 10 and a blowjob JK anyway you didnt steal it so who cares... technically its against the law to buy things that are stolen.. and possess things that are stolen,,, but mary j is illegal so it kind of cancels it out in a way..... just dont steal yourself

there is my stoned rant for the day


New Member
and the answer to your question.... depending on how far into flow you are you will get one or the other for results... one; it will go back into veg and continue to grow or two; you will have an abomination on your hands


Well-Known Member
its only into the first staged of flowering, it will revert back to veg and the grow process wont be slowed for to long, the longer into bud the harder it is on the plant to revert from flower>veg.

yea man, i see nothing wrong with what went didn't jack it, and you don't even know who's it was, so why not just let the beautiful girl thrive?