I definitely turned the corner on this virus yesterday. I woke up with some symptoms, slightly labored breathing, random shooting pains in my chest, body aches, the unreal fatigue, etc.. Then, in the early afternoon, it was as if my body hit a switch. It finally figured out the correct antibodies, and everything drastically improved. Breathing issues, pain, and fatigue all disappeared over the next few hours, and I was blessed with a long surge of energy. I slept great, and awoke this morning feeling even better. I MADE IT!!! I called one of my best friends, who had a long hospital stay but is a few days ahead of me regarding recovery, and we traded some war stories. We plan on getting together next week, and hanging out a bunch. So excited to have someone to hang out with without risk, and do some working out and some bike rides far away from others. It made me think about all the other people that will make it through this thing. I'm betting groups will organize a way to socialize with each other, while being careful not to expose those still at risk. Kind of like those infected with AIDS dating each other. I feel like a human being again, a few more days and I feel I'll be at 100%. Time to get back to all the at home projects I was planning before contracting this awful bug. I hope none of you needs to go through this trial, but if you do, I hope it happens when the curve flattens out and you have easy access to adequate healthcare...