silver spray for making fem, beans.

ky farmer

Well-Known Member
dos any one rember where to buy and the name of the silver spray that people was using last year to make fem, beans and it was A LOT CHEEPER BUT WORKED and its not the Tiresias mist.thanks for any help you can give me.need info asap.thank you
I bought mine on Amazon. I got the 50ppm solution an it worked great.
FYI:You shouldn't smoke a plant you spray with CS even if it's just one branch.

This is what I used.
thank you but they also got it 500 ppm and that should be better would not you think?any one ealse got any info to share,,thank you wwonka for that info..did you use it moor then one time and did it work every time for you like Tiresias mist dos?
ignore your on the list I don't talk to dick now for ever.

you don't talk to dick suckers? then your inner monologue must not exist since all you can do is suck trump's dick and prove what an uneducatable dumbfuck you are
How so? Just curious.
For making this dude feel like he needs to adapt when his english might not be great but probably better than most of us can do in another language. And then to top it off with telling him to go back to his country. Isn't that just Trump's spitting image??
Just to add in that it's super easy to make your own silver shit. You probably have the stuff needed around your home and it does work. I haven't done it for at least 10 years but I remember the only thing you want to be careful about was the ohmz
For making this dude feel like he needs to adapt when his english might not be great but probably better than most of us can do in another language. And then to top it off with telling him to go back to his country. Isn't that just Trump's spitting image??
Uncle buck and Ky are long time members here and have had the same argument going for years. Ky is also know for horrible spelling and dude is definitely American with English being his only language.

Uncle buck comment was definitely meant to be sarcastic, especially the go back to your country part.