Silver / white stuff on leaf



I'm in week 6 of flower and i've noticed the leaves on my plants beginning to look silver. The strain is white widow. Would love to hear any helpful insight on what this might be.

Thanks in advance!



Hard to tell are there little black dots? Does it look eaten from the inside?
Not really. I've had thrips before and i don't think its that.

Have 6 plants total and these "silver" leaves only appear to be on the 3 white widow strains so I thought it was because of the strain at first but after looking closely it looks to be like some sort of problem. =/

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
I would cut them off and get it out of the room, what ever it is you don't want it. Hopefully that solves it. Nip it in the bud sorta speak. Once it is out of your room take some more pics of the top and the bottom of the leaves


Well-Known Member
old and crusty fan leaves get old and crusty in flower sometimes.
if all your controls are spot on, and there are no pests, cut them off and relax

wouldnt matter anyways, week 6, nothing gets added at week 6 I hope cept water


Active Member
Sounds like powdery mildew I use "Green Cleaner" drench them and watch. It is safe to spray you can spray it in flower up to harvest with no residue. If your humidity is too high that would cause it or not enough air circulation.


old and crusty fan leaves get old and crusty in flower sometimes.
if all your controls are spot on, and there are no pests, cut them off and relax

wouldnt matter anyways, week 6, nothing gets added at week 6 I hope cept water
I think this is it because they do appear to only form on the older fan leaves. Should I be removing these leaves since im in week 7 now to promote nug meat?

Thanks for your reply. I Don't think its thrips. had these before and i dont see the black dots or anything moving on the underside of the leaf.


Well-Known Member
nothing will promote nug meat now, that boat sailed. cut off those dying leaves, because they're dying, attract pests, and mold too.