Silver! Who Is On This Train?


Well-Known Member
i have a huge silver coin i burn in my torch to fume glass with.

i have a container of silver nitrate as well. it fumes even better then the coin.

up in smoke. :cool:
Yep, the Majority of silver gets used up, never to be seen again. Can you imagine people trying to get the 2 grams of silver every cell phone has?


Well-Known Member
I can not believe how Cheap Silver has been this month, it's great I hope it stays this way the rest of the year.


Well-Known Member
Hold on to your silver will go up soon....I bought into silver when it was around 4.40 a ounce way back...i have a lot of bullion in the safe...almost dropped some when it hit 40.00 + but I know it will top 50.00 in time....the recent drop was just market play is our dollar drops in shitter even more ..precious metals will is going to be a rollercoaster for a bit..then it will shoot up...some prodict over a 100.00 an ounce inn the near future...


Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Another stupid question. I am holding about 20 troy physical ounces of .999 silver, not paper but the real metal. Not an investment, just something I have from the 90's.
If I choose I want to sell it, how the hell do that?


Well-Known Member
Another stupid question. I am holding about 20 troy physical ounces of .999 silver, not paper but the real metal. Not an investment, just something I have from the 90's.
If I choose I want to sell it, how the hell do that?
Go to coin shop or sell to kitco or sell on ebay or you could talk to people you know and unless their retarded they will want it.


Well-Known Member
look online for buyers. I sold about 15 t.o of physical silver, recovered from xrays back in the 80s. I sold it when it was at 48 an oz a few months ago, at the time i was glad i did, it had dropped rapidly afterwards down to 30 an oz, i ended up making about 700 bucks...went to the boats..won about 1200 was a good daybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
It's funny silver regained a little of what it had lost and now all the silver bugs are out in force again, a few days ago everyone was paniced, that 30$ spot price was a nice buy in point.


Well-Known Member
Its because of this [video=youtube;Bt_H3OWxUSY][/video]

A physical market that will be bigger than the Crimex and will set the actual price, not a manipulated price.
Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) and combination precious metal ETFs like (CEF) have been going up lately due to all the BS in Washington. As long as people are scared or wary of whats going on, precious metals will rise (along with metals like copper as well). They seem like a safe bet to the average person, but they're actually quite volatile and if you don't keep an eye on your portfolio (at least check it daily even if you don't make any trades) you can be in for a nasty surprise when they all of a sudden drop like a rock for a while. Personally. I like the ETFs like GLD, SLV and CEF and I jump in and out of them according to how the marker in general is acting and have done alright.
I recommend to anyone wanting to learn more and get some experience before actually risking real money, check out, it's an investing website. They give you a million virtual dollars and you can invest them any way you like, but you can't put more than $200,000 in any one thing. The reasoning behind that is that you don't want all your eggs in one basket. Diversification spreads the risk among several (or even many) investments and increases your chances of making a profit. You'll see stock symbols like (F) for Ford, (AAPL) for Apple and (CEF) for Canadian Central Fund [an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund)] made up of gold and silver both. You can access Charts and graphs for 1, 5, and 30 days as well as 3, 6, and 12 months, and 5 and 10 year periods to give you a better idea which way whatever you want to invest in has been going. You can gain knowledge and experience without risking any real money of your own. If you discover you're pretty good at picking winners, start investing for real. If you suck at picking winners, pay a good trustworthy financial advisor (they do exist, believe it or not) and have them guide you. Putting your money in a savings account or even a money market account won't keep you ahead of inflation; only stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other true investments can do that. PS, insurance is not an investment, regardless of what any smooth talkin' slick agent may try to get you to believe. Insurance is insurance, the "investment" or savings part of insurance is just a scam to use your money to generate income for them, which you should be doing for yourself. Check out to try your hand at investing... it's a lot of fun when you make a bunch of money. Trust me... :)


Well-Known Member
No counterparty risk if you hold your physical metal. If force majeur was called, all your SLV and GLD will be worthless.


best place to buy for me is wide selection and any price you want. SIMPLy BEST FOR ME , and yes take control of all metals you must have in hand not no paper


last wednesday silver was at 34.00 and now today is monday silver is 40.00 plus not bad for a few days and in the next 2 months it will be over 60. per ounce