Simple budder recipe's


Plain simple budder. Super BUDDER recipe follows.One crockpot.Fill crockpot with top leaves and trim. Rinse with cold water first if you use any nutrient or insecticide sprays.Add one lb. salted or unsalted butter.Add one qt. water.Place in well ventilated area for 12 to 24 hours on lowest setting, stirring a few times during the extraction.Turn off crockpot and let cool to the touch but don't let it get cold. If it gets cold and fat hardens just warm enough to make it liquid again.Strain off leaf material and collect water and melted budder in a tupperware type container.Place container in refrigerator until the fat floats to the top and hardens. Usually at least 4 hours if not overnight.Break the fat cap over the water and drain the nasty water from under the fat.Remelt budder to collect on bottom of container.Freeze or keep in fridge for storage. Otherwise it will go rancid.To use, melt some of the budder in a small bowl and coat animal crackers with budder until they soak up some of the budder. Pour leftover budder back to original container.Place crackers on foiled sheetpan and bake in oven on about 200 degrees until the budder no longer has a shine on the outside of most of the crackers.While hot, shake the crackers in a 50/50 mixture of unsweetened cocoa powder and chocolate malted milk powder. Let cool and store in sandwich baggy or some such thing.Long term storage of over a week should be kept cool.Alternate preparation can be cheese-its or nips instead of animal crackers, and powdered cheese from mac and cheese box or cheese popcorn topping to coat.Super BUDDER 1x or 2x follows the same directions. AKA Day-Wrecker.Replace top leaves with 1oz. or 2oz. non stinky bud (stinky bud will just make the budder and crackers smell like a skunks ass).Super BUDDER works well for the crackers since the dosage is much more concentrated and therefor smaller.All budders can be added to almost anything but tread lightly at first as they are far stronger than you think or expect. Start slow and plan accordingly. Ingestion of even a single cracker from Super Budder can last 12 or more hours. Simple budder is better for replacing all or part of the fat in recipes for cookies, as Super BUDDER is far to strong.These are great for times when you can't light up, have grown tired of smoking, go to a concert, or can't smoke any longer due to breathing problems.At first it helps to eat them with a meal so they digest more slowly and therefor release slowly. This also helps from them upsetting your stomach.Best for chronic aching pain and restful sleep.NOTE: KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN and PETS. THEY JUST SEE IT AS FOOD AND CAN EAT TO MUCH and POSSIBLY DIE! (this has been documented!)THIS MEANS DON'T LEAVE THEM IN YOUR COAT POCKET or PANTS POCKET or IN THE FRIDGE WHERE KIDS WILL LIKELY FIND THEM!FOR REAL, THIS IS POWERFUL STUFF, DON'T TAKE IT LIGHTLY.
really??? DIE? this must be mixed with gasoline or something else toxic... there have been NO reported over dose deaths on pot. there are some pretty scary stories and pretty funny ones....but ZERO deaths... the only way to kill someone with pot is having enough pot that when you dropped it on someone it kills em.
Please read this article. can also become so disoriented that they walk into traffic or get lost.
there are NO DIRECTLY RELATED DEATHS TO MMJ... yes secondary factors may apply (pesticides posions etc... and yeah disorentaion causing them to fall off a cliff or hit by a car.... ) ingesting marijuana can be life-threatening to a dog, or at the very least, a "bad trip" for them. Dogs love the stuff," Schoedler told the Herald. "I've seen them eat the buds, plants, joints and marijuana in food." Schoedler added that just as dark chocolate is safe for humans to ingest but potentially poisonous to dogs, so goes marijuana for dogs. (referring to chocolate not POT) Luckily, marijuana ingestion is very rarely fatal to a dog and most are back to normal within 24 hours. which reference the link it says dogs getting stoned, sometimes with deadly results. (offers no proof ) interesting for them to assume this yet have no proof... New research shows that with medical marijuana, the number of dogs getting sick is is sick or death??? from pot is spiking. They basically have lost a lot of their fine motor control, they have a wide-based stance and they are not sure on their feet,” said Dr. Debbie Van Pelt of VRCC, the Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Hospital in Englewood. this is not death... it sucks for the animals.. yes.. “Two dogs, however, got into baked goods with medical grade marijuana butter in it, which presumably seems to be more toxic to the dogs, so we did have two deaths,” Meola said. That’s the exception it says... and again I am betting this was a THOUGHT rather then an autopsy... pot could have been laced or other items pesticides etc... Annual Causes of Death in the United States Links for Data Tables: AERS [FDA's Adverse Events Reporting System] Patient Outcomes by Year Causes of Death __________________________________________________________ (Annual Causes of Death, By Cause) Cause of death (Data from 2009 unless otherwise noted)1 Number All Causes 2,437,163 Diseases of Heart 599,413 Malignant Neoplasms 567,628 Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases 137,353 Cerebrovascular Diseases 128,842 Lack of Health Insurance3 (2005) 44,789 Poisoning 41,592 Drug-Induced2 39,147 Intentional Self-Harm (Suicide) 36,909 Septicemia 35,639 Motor Vehicle Accidents 34,485 Firearm Injuries 31,347 Alcohol-Induced 24,518 Illicit Drugs (2000) 17,0004 Homicide 16,799 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 9,406 Viral hepatitis 7,694 Cannabis (Marijuana) 0 I attempted to separate the above text but it came out like this...
While I don't doubt the data my anecdotal evidence has shown me there can be to much of a good thing. After I made Super BUDDER for the first time I ate 3 cookies and an hour and half later I was in bed with leg cramps, abdominal cramps, and the sweats for about 4 hours. I drank lots of water and ended up being fine as far as I can tell afterwords and just really dazed or sleeping for the next 24 hours. I left a cookie in a pair of pants in the laundry on the floor and luckily the big dog (70 lbs) is the one that got a hold of it and not the little one. To my dismay he did so by ripping through the jeans and pocket and finally the baggy. He was just lazy and slept which is nothing like him since he usually runs a few miles a day. I was worried it was the small dog (18 lbs) but I don't think he shared with her since she seemed normal. So the important point I wanted to get across is that the effects of the medication can take a while and over consumption (of anything) can lead to undesired results. Now I just have one cookie per 8 hour period and it has a similar effect to taking a valium and 5mg hydrocodone at the same time. Relaxes my back muscles to relieve spasms and takes some of the pain away from a herniated disc. It also helps with social anxiety in large crowds and restless sleep from the side effects of other prescriptions that I have to take.