Simple compost soil mixture questions...please help


Active Member
Hello all,

I am about to start an indoor crop of Lowryder 2 and about to start my soul prep. I have plenty of delicious compostm which is actually mostly worm castings. I also have some compost/soil that I used for an outdoor crop this year. After I harvested I just left the soil in the pot indoors. I just dumped it out and it is rich black with an abundance of mycelium and worms. Is this something that could be mixed into this crops soil? I also have generic potting soil in my garage. What kind of mixture should I use with the ingredients that I have??? What could I add to the soil that can come from my property? I absolutely do not want to pruchase anything from a store. I do have plenty of mollasses as well. Once it is mixed, what can I do to the soil before I plant the seeds in order to enhance it? Thanks in advance for any help at all.


Active Member
Worm castings are very good plant food, you can use potting soil or anything of the like that you have around your place. Ph around 6.8 is nominal. Adding sand or perlite can increase drainage.


Well-Known Member
Lolalola.... Worm casting are a great amendment to soil. The are however, very dense / heavy for their size. If too much are used (more that 20 percent), it can impair root growth - since the roots have a hard time pusing through them.
I'd take my regular potting soil (if it does not have slow release chem fert balls/pellets in it), mix it with 30 percent sphagum peat moss, 10 percent worm castings & 10 percent perlite. All of these are cheap & available at good garden centers for a few bucks.
As for the old soil in those pots, I'd mix it with oak leaves, straw, coffee grounds, grass clipping from the yard & compost it for later. Compost tea or to mix in with soil for a future grow. Like whiskey, it get's better with age....... kinda like me..... LOL..
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real....Organic....