Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)


Well-Known Member
I use co2 on my planted aquarium, my reactor started leaking so it was a good excuse to snag my 5gal tank and use in grow. I don't have a meter that reads ppm but I just let it run at 2 bps


New Member
OK. Looks like clones that have been rooting a few weeks I'm assuming then 14 days of veg so a good month which is half the time it takes me to get where I want to be from seed. 700+ is doable but not in the space we have now. Maybe when we move into our new home and I build a new setup I will switch over to Co2 and bubbles, but being I'm getting my half pounders now under current conditions and I don't trust the Co2 in the spare bedroom we have now, I'm sticking. Great info though.

I may begin some mothers next grow and see what difference if any clones have over seeds in my setup. I think I will wait to decide on doing bubble buckets being the Co2 probably gives that type of system the real advantage.

All good stuff!


New Member
I don't think the CO2 works better in hydro, I'm pretty sure it's about the same.
Hmm. I always thought since hydro grew out plants in veg quicker then in soil Co2 would work better there. But there is no doubt added Co2 helps overall production but to what degree IDK.

Definitely will get a clone/mom setup going long before Co2.

Is the best way to deliver still tank/regulator setup?


Well-Known Member
Also you need a real good cooling system if you plan on using a CO2 generator. Tanks don't make any heat.


Active Member
sorry i dont have time to read all the comments... for your drying space what is your average rh and temps?
where i want to dry my temps are 68 to 74 and my rh is 45% to 57%.... just trying to see if i have good drying conditions.


Well-Known Member
One of the main reasons I use the "bag method" is because of the various ranges of humidity in my attic space.


Well-Known Member
I just dry them out so they burn well in the fireplace. Let me see if I can find some uses for fan leaves. Anyone use fan leaves for anything?


Well-Known Member
i have somehow lost the lovely smell i used to get when i'd open up my jars. i'm here this a.m. to review some drying/curing info.

i used to use the hang/paperbag/ball jar method but then stopped using the bags for some reason.

i've been drying too fast lately (cutting the colas into bite sized buds), mostly becasue even after many crops, i'm still anxious to see how much weight i got this time. although the buds smell great when chopped, there isn't much smell when i open the ball jars. it's annoying. i have 4 different genetics running and enough plants to try a few methods. i want the smell back damn it!

oddly enough though, even though i don't think there is much odor to the buds, when i took 2 oz for a drive one day (triple wrapped in freezer bags), as i was leaving the car i went WOAH because i caught a wiff of it while i swung the bag it was in. sometimes i wonder if i'm just so saturated with pot that i don't notice.

i'm retired and my life cycle basically revolves around how much pot i have, how much i need and when i need to flip the vegging plants into flower. sometimes i don't know what day it is, but i know how long my babies have been in flower and when they need feeding. :)

after reading about several different methods of drying/curing, a few of which i've used over the years, i've decided to try 3 or 4 of them to see which best fits my low humidity grow room. i'm going to grab some paper bags. i wish i remembered why i stopped using them.

OH, and i toss fan leaves.
Hi! Thanks, Rumple, for this guide - very informative and well-done! That's a good idea to wear gloves while handling them, so the sap doesn't stick to your skin. I just discovered that plain old rubbing alcohol works wonders to remove sap from skin, scissors, trays, etc. Just in case you touch something sticky after your gloves are off!Previously I used nail polish remover, but rubbing alcohol is much better. :mrgreen: