Simple question about first lower leaves to appear.

Chef Haz3

wadup, the first set of leaves to appear AFTER the initial rounded leaves , do they naturally turn yellow and fall off ?? yes i searched the forum and google, not epic-ly, but i did indeed search lol PICS !:blsmoke: U can note the yellowing of the leaves in both pics. 2 weeks these plants r .

Maybe ph imbalance ? ... been using tap water that sits out for 36hrs+ ... I had an overwatering issue ( big noob ) so i didnt water for like 3 days plant seemed to perk up but the yellowing persisted , i went to tug the leaf off the stem but it wouldnt come off easily so i didnt take it off. they crackle when squeezed, as in paper dry.



Well-Known Member
They will yellow up when the plant needs the nutrients. Typically an N deficiency; I would fill your pot right up to those round leaves (cotyledons), or as high as you can, with a good soil containing nutes. This will feed the plant a little while longer until you need to start adding your own nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Your plant still looks to be overwatered, which is most likely causing your nutrient problems as your roots are rotting.

Chef Haz3

i dont think its nutes tho bro , cus the bigger plant is 2 weeks and the smaller one is 10 daysish. the soil i have in there ( pro-mix ) shud b good for the first little while ... just my 2 cents. thanks for the reply

Chef Haz3

ALSO, forgot to mention , the little white bowl u see in the background is to catch these mutherfuckin aphids ( fruit flies ? ) flying around, could they be leeching my precious juices out of the leaves ? the yellowing started as a blotch in the middle of the leaf.


Active Member
They are getting overwater because of the soil you are using it is depriving the roots of oxygen, to packed together.

Chef Haz3

alright, so if i transplant now and dont compact the soil nearly as much as i did with these pots everything shud b good ? or are u suggesting that i should invest in other soil, and then transplant ?