Simple Watering Question Please Help!

Okay I am doing my first grow in a PC stealth box and I am using a pineapple express auto flower seed I germinated and placed in a small pot. It popped next morning and is trying to sprout its serrated leaves to this moment. My question is how much should I water the tiny plant right now? Its only a few days old and I know they are really sensitive. Right now I'm just watering whenever it looks dry on the top soil or when it looks like it needs it but Is there a scheduled time and amount to give it when it's young or not? Any advise is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
When you water make sure to saturate the soil and allow it to come out the bottom holes. Dont water every day, you'll begin getting a feel for it, I water my plants every 3-4 days with my current soil mixture.

Gary Busey

New Member
Water until you see it coming out of the bottom of the container. And wait to water again until the soil is mostly dry.
Okay the only worry I have is if you water it until water comes out the bottom could I possibly over water it when its this young? Its only about an inch above soil

kbo ca

Active Member
try bottom feeding. This eliminates over watering and promotes vigorous root growth and is more natural for the plant. It also eliminates water loss by evaporation. Top feeding gives algae, mold, and bugs a place to reproduce. No need to stick your finger in the soil and disturb or damage roots either. Respect
try bottom feeding. This eliminates over watering and promotes vigorous root growth and is more natural for the plant. It also eliminates water loss by evaporation.
I think I will try that bottom feeding but how should I go about doing it? Never heard of that unless its just sticking a tube into the center of your soil and pour water down the tube. Any info on how to bottom feed?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure he means putting a drain pan under your pot and filling the pan with water/nutes. When the plant needs water it will 'suck it up' from the drain pan.


Active Member
get a water bottle, fill it with distilled water preferably.... poke a hole through the top, maybe two small ones, and water it evenly that way .... if its 3-5 gallon pot you can use 2 waterbottles full thats 32oz, smaller pots 3/4 of a water bottle probably

kbo ca

Active Member
I think I will try that bottom feeding but how should I go about doing it? Never heard of that unless its just sticking a tube into the center of your soil and pour water down the tube. Any info on how to bottom feed?
dubbz has it right. If you already have your plant containers sitting in a drain pan, just pour the water in there from now on. If not they are quite affordable. Keep track of the amount of water taken up by your plants at different stages of growth to dial in your plant's needs.


I guess that would work. A lil plant like that won't do much absorbing...never tried it before when they're that small. If there's a lot of absorption it will be from wicking of the soil itself via evaporation and not from root pull.

Another option is to just keep it simple until they get a little bigger. You could water every day or every other day, just enough to wet the soil around the plant and down below the soil to about the above-soil height of the plant. It's intuitive - don't over think it.

Cannabis responds really well to drying out between waterings. You're more likely to overwater and over-feed than under-water and feed..In general the amount you need to water is going to be the minimum you can get away with using so that the soil is mostly dry before your next watering. The wetter you get, the longer it'll take to dry out...but don't water again until it's mostly dry. The use of water will depend on the size of the plant, the amount of light you're using (evaporation), and the amount of water retained by your soil.

I've always used things to cut down my soil mixes so that they drain better...perlite works well, a mix of perlite and light warrior with whatever soil you're using works very well. This allowed me consistent daily waterings with no risk of rot whatsoever and less risk for nute just doesn't retain all those salts as much and is easy to flush if needed. But, I am a hydro guy, so I'm biased towards removing soil :P If you want, you could get away with making that change now before the roots expand significantly.
