hey bro i recomend not useing a screen out side the house on the vent duct. dryers put out lent and the lint will plug up your screeen and then you can't exhaustyourheat well enough. just a thought.
there is nothing wrong with flos. ive seen the product from a flogrow and was very impresed, but however this flo setup had a 150wtt hps in with the 4 flo tubes.
man they are looking so fat bro .. as for the vent i really don't think anything will be trying to take up residence in the vent pipe with all the air flow going on, espiechaly with the dryer heat.
i was thinking of putting a Y on my 4 in dryer duct ..so when i get a portable a/c unit i will dump that exhaust out the dryer vent..instead of pusing hella heat into my attic... how does that work for intake if ur dryer is pushing while ur pulling..
wow you got that right.....LOL hell thatswhy she mad cuz allthat washing and drying she has to do. i bet it takes a weeks to do it all.......LOLevery 2-3 weeks SS..u jsut aint right boy..u gott a wash them tighty whitties
oh no.. i do my own laundry.. we went round and round about this.. i have my way of doing it and she has her way.. she likes the load a day shit.. i cant stand doing it everyday.. so she does hers.. and i do mine.. and it only takes about a day.. they are oversized washer and dryer... about 6 loads or so and its done.. 3 loads of whites.. and the rest are gym shorts and the rest of my shit...
well fuck guys thanks alot, shit now i no i have to keep my wife around, hell she does all my laundry and goes to work. i might fold a load here and there.........LOL
Hey SS with that whole dryer vent..i got to thinking about using a siding access point in the side of my garage..and mounting a dryer type vent throught the wall.. with the lil slits on the outside so it looks matched to the siding.. remember orginally i wuz gonna pull from the crawlspace..but that seems like alot of work and too many feet to get to fresh air..opposed to going right through my exterior wall and siding.. 6'' to get to fresh air. anyways..if i get all those 6'' hoods which line up with my 6'' exhaust fan..my quesition is can my intake vent be a 4'' with a couple of Y splitter..so it can be routed to veg and budd rooms..I mean i can come off the pipe with a 4x6x6 Yspllitter and then go to bigger flex ducting...Im just saying will the 4in hole be enough air to cool both rooms hoods...and push air into each room? Because if it does those 4'' dryer vent kits are cheap..get back at me let me know wut u think ...i jsut orginally thought i would need to identical inlets , 1 for each room, both with Y splitter..so 1 line for each room is for the hoods...and the other for each room is just pulling intake air in2 the rooms..does that make sense.. Construction issues in my head..sorry for rambling bro..talk at u soon
oh yea.. that will supply plenty of air... and since you'd be opening it up from the 4" intake to the larger 6" split offs it can actually pull even more air in... since you are using it as an intake, and its going from a smaller opening to a larger duct, it should create a good amount of negative pressure outside of the intake which will boost the over all intake.. know what im saying?? its kinda hard to explain... or at least im having a hard time explaining it... basically since there will be more space to fill after the intake (2'' more space after the split) the pressure will be uneven.. it will cause even more negative pressure then there already will be from the fan.. which means more air intake.. i really hope this makes sense... im struggling right now.. LOL
here is my question for you... right now i am running a 12.5/11.5 cycle... do you think that if i dropped it back to like 11/13 it might increase resin production and ripen the buds a little faster?? my thought is maybe tricking it into thinking winter is coming thus making it produce more resin to protect the flowers and ripen them faster since they would be dieing soon?? its along the same lines as giving them the 48 hours of dark before harvest.. but i just dont know what i think about that.. i think if anything it would be safer on the plant all around to cut back the hours like im saying.. but then again if you are given them 48 straight dark and cutting them, not much can happen in those 48 hours to affect eh buds really... im trying to figure this out... any input??
ya i have a friend hes pushing 70, owns his own property, over $100k in the bank, own a commercial fishing boat. he has been like a father to me since i moved here 7 years ago and just 2 weeks ago he made me his benifishary. man i was just blown away. needless to say the wife is very happy. hellso am i.lol i think instead of a wife i just want to be a cabana boy for a rich old lady... let her kick the bucket and inherit all her money.. and keep the maids and butlers she has already...
hey waz up bro. well i got my flower room up and running. i made a videoit should be done in a about 15 min. ya with the new set up i droped 10 to 12 degress. im at 75 not 85 to 89, very pleased. here is the video its just not ready yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYw9GdbSmCY
ya i have a friend hes pushing 70, owns his own property, over $100k in the bank, own a commercial fishing boat. he has been like a father to me since i moved here 7 years ago and just 2 weeks ago he made me his benifishary. man i was just blown away. needless to say the wife is very happy. hellso am i.![]()