SIMPSONSAMPSONs soon-to-be-but-not-quite-there-but-will-be-soon 4000w journal

mornning guys. shit my cable and phone waz all messed up from the rain. just now able to join the party. getting ready to update the greenhouse grow, anf my 5th grow with pics b4 i head out. i should have acsess to a comupter when im down there so ill jump on and say hey. you will do great w/ the two 1000wtters if you go that way.
mornning guys. shit my cable and phone waz all messed up from the rain. just now able to join the party. getting ready to update the greenhouse grow, anf my 5th grow with pics b4 i head out. i should have acsess to a comupter when im down there so ill jump on and say hey. you will do great w/ the two 1000wtters if you go that way.

hey there bro.. gettin ready to take off on your trip?? drive safe and all that good stuff...

cant wait to see the updates.. always good to see some nice new porn.. :)

oh.. and its either 4x1000s or 6x600s im gonna use.. just not sure which way would be better.. any input or still think the 1000s??
hey there bro.. gettin ready to take off on your trip?? drive safe and all that good stuff...

cant wait to see the updates.. always good to see some nice new porn.. :)

oh.. and its either 4x1000s or 6x600s im gonna use.. just not sure which way would be better.. any input or still think the 1000s??
my wife would hate to have your elect. bill. shit she bitches at $ 180.00 a month.
thaks bro i will. i'll be at pease knowing b=my buddy willbe here watching over things.
my wife would hate to have your elect. bill. shit she bitches at $ 180.00 a month.
thaks bro i will. i'll be at pease knowing b=my buddy willbe here watching over things.

actally my electric bill will barely hit 200 even with everything i will have going... its CHEAP here... 4 cents per kwhr... :)

thats always good to know you'll have a babysitter for your girls... even if its just an occasional pop in to check on them.. just puts you at peace of mind...

yea.. i hope you have a great trip.. get some good R&R with the fam.. its always nice to get away from shit.. even if there isnt shit to get away from..
Good morning men....Its nice to finally start being able to stay up late and sleep in...cant wait till my kids are old enough to do their own morning drive to school.

I defiantly think its suspicious to have an AC running in the winter...especially in your case... I think pulling in air from outside will do it.
I know me and TM have seen this but it might help

Its at about 3:23 of this video
actally my electric bill will barely hit 200 even with everything i will have going... its CHEAP here... 4 cents per kwhr... :)

thats always good to know you'll have a babysitter for your girls... even if its just an occasional pop in to check on them.. just puts you at peace of mind...

yea.. i hope you have a great trip.. get some good R&R with the fam.. its always nice to get away from shit.. even if there isnt shit to get away from..
looking at my bill right now i am paying $4.75 per day.
actally my electric bill will barely hit 200 even with everything i will have going... its CHEAP here... 4 cents per kwhr... :)

thats always good to know you'll have a babysitter for your girls... even if its just an occasional pop in to check on them.. just puts you at peace of mind...

yea.. i hope you have a great trip.. get some good R&R with the fam.. its always nice to get away from shit.. even if there isnt shit to get away from..
actully him and his girlfriend are going to stay over the whole time. that makes me feel even better.
Good morning men....Its nice to finally start being able to stay up late and sleep in...cant wait till my kids are old enough to do their own morning drive to school.

I defiantly think its suspicious to have an AC running in the winter...especially in your case... I think pulling in air from outside will do it.
I know me and TM have seen this but it might help

Its at about 3:23 of this video

thats almost identical to what i was thinking of doing... thanks for the link to just verify my feelings... also.. if i use the a/c.. i will build a similar box around it.. i would only run the a/c during the summer for cold air.. during the winter i think the fan could pull enough cold air from outside through the a/c without it having to be ran.. do you think just having the a/c in the window would look bad?? or do you think it would be ok during the winter in the window as long as it wasnt running??

looking at my bill right now i am paying $4.75 per day.

actully him and his girlfriend are going to stay over the whole time. that makes me feel even better.

damn... i think i pay around 2.75 a day... 3 if im really burning the elec for the day... so i figure maybe 4 or so when i get everything else up and running.. im banking on about a 175 dollar elec bill total...

and thats cool they are staying there the entire time.. now you can REALLY relax.. :)

gotta go get some shit done for the day... spend some time with the girls and do some running and shit... if i dont catch you before you leave, again, have a good and safe trip with the fam... hope ya can hop on a couple times and let us know how its going..

otherwise ill be back on later guys... :peace:
thats almost identical to what i was thinking of doing... thanks for the link to just verify my feelings... also.. if i use the a/c.. i will build a similar box around it.. i would only run the a/c during the summer for cold air.. during the winter i think the fan could pull enough cold air from outside through the a/c without it having to be ran.. do you think just having the a/c in the window would look bad?? or do you think it would be ok during the winter in the window as long as it wasnt running??

damn... i think i pay around 2.75 a day... 3 if im really burning the elec for the day... so i figure maybe 4 or so when i get everything else up and running.. im banking on about a 175 dollar elec bill total...

and thats cool they are staying there the entire time.. now you can REALLY relax.. :)

gotta go get some shit done for the day... spend some time with the girls and do some running and shit... if i dont catch you before you leave, again, have a good and safe trip with the fam... hope ya can hop on a couple times and let us know how its going..

otherwise ill be back on later guys... :peace:
notleaveing tell morning.ill be on hear in and out threw out the day.:peace:
thats almost identical to what i was thinking of doing... thanks for the link to just verify my feelings... also.. if i use the a/c.. i will build a similar box around it.. i would only run the a/c during the summer for cold air.. during the winter i think the fan could pull enough cold air from outside through the a/c without it having to be ran.. do you think just having the a/c in the window would look bad?? or do you think it would be ok during the winter in the window as long as it wasnt running??

I don't know? I take mine out in the winter because its colder then a mother fucker here. They make a cover for them to winterize it...If it was off for the season...Id get one of those

damn... i think i pay around 2.75 a day... 3 if im really burning the elec for the day... so i figure maybe 4 or so when i get everything else up and running.. im banking on about a 175 dollar elec bill total...

and thats cool they are staying there the entire time.. now you can REALLY relax.. :)

gotta go get some shit done for the day... spend some time with the girls and do some running and shit... if i dont catch you before you leave, again, have a good and safe trip with the fam... hope ya can hop on a couple times and let us know how its going..

otherwise ill be back on later guys... :peace:

I don't know? I take mine out in the winter because its colder then a mother fucker here. They make a cover for them to winterize it...If it was off for the season...Id get one of those
notleaveing tell morning.ill be on hear in and out threw out the day.:peace:

oh well.. right on.. ill just have to remember to wish you a safe trip again later.. LOL

I don't know? I take mine out in the winter because its colder then a mother fucker here. They make a cover for them to winterize it...If it was off for the season...Id get one of those

the idea is that the a/c would be enclosed in a window box, the box being on the inside of the window.. and the air from the a/c would be used only to cool the lights.. so when it gets cold in the winter i could shut the a/c off and just suck the cold air from outside through the a/c... this would still give me cold air for the lights, but would eliminate the need to run the a/c during the winter to cool the lights.. i dont know tho.. i guess its really going to come down to how cool the lights run without the a/c and how cool the room stays too... its really all just speculation as to what will happen until i actual get it up and try... im just racking my brain trying to figure out something i wont know until i actually get the pieces and try to make it work...
fyi my 1000 watter that im running is pretty cool. i can touch it without burning myself. i was pretty surprised by this. im sure you have seen my set up. there is a squirrel cage fan pulling air from my containing room through my good light that im not using yet. it then goes through my hps and back to the containing room. the containing room is close to 75 on a good day. so i would say someone like you could easily vent your lights. i hope im not repeating what you already know. you guys post so much in this thread i cant keep up.
fyi my 1000 watter that im running is pretty cool. i can touch it without burning myself. i was pretty surprised by this. im sure you have seen my set up. there is a squirrel cage fan pulling air from my containing room through my good light that im not using yet. it then goes through my hps and back to the containing room. the containing room is close to 75 on a good day. so i would say someone like you could easily vent your lights. i hope im not repeating what you already know. you guys post so much in this thread i cant keep up.

not repeating yourself at all.. its info like this i find golden.. just makes me feel more confident in the choices im making... i always hate making these kind decisions.. because once you make it, its done.. i mean i can go back and redo the lighting if i wanted later on.. but for the time and money im about to invest i would rather do it right the first time and be happy than have to redo it later.. its the seed of doubt shit in the back of your mind.. but thanks a for the heads up on the temp situation.. it really does help me decide what i want to do
yeah i just touched that fucker yesterday to prove to my brother that the plants were not too close. my room is staying around 80 so i returned my portable and placed order for 12000 btu portable. thats 7000 going to 12000. but i will post all that in my journal. i just think that if i can touch my reflector and im not doing the best job with heat, then you should be allright.
right on bro... thanks again for your input... more and more the 1000's are just winning out...

Nooooooooooooooo damnit I was gonna try to talk you into the but if its just about the heat I dont know why you couldnt keep 4-1ks just as cool as 6-600s for me it would be light coverage and cost and for that question I dont have an answer
Nooooooooooooooo damnit I was gonna try to talk you into the but if its just about the heat I dont know why you couldnt keep 4-1ks just as cool as 6-600s for me it would be light coverage and cost and for that question I dont have an answer
i really don'tget that much heat w/ my 1000wtter hps now when i put my 100wtt mh bulb in there my heat jumps upabout 10 degress though. you should have no problem keeping things cool.
mm me say 1000 better mm way mm better:mrgreen:

im leaning heavily this way..

Nooooooooooooooo damnit I was gonna try to talk you into the but if its just about the heat I dont know why you couldnt keep 4-1ks just as cool as 6-600s for me it would be light coverage and cost and for that question I dont have an answer

id still like to hear your argument for the 600s... keep in mind its only a 9x7 space.. its not like its a 12x12 room or anything... so coverage will be sufficient either way... if you figure a 1000w covers a 20 to 32 square foot space (depending on where and what you read) no matter if i use the 600s or 1000s i will have well over the "suggested" coverage area covered...

i only have 63 sq.ft to cover..

4-1000s x 20sqft coverage per light = 80 sqft total coverage

6-600s x 12 sq.ft coverage per light = 72 sqft of coverage

those are the smallest coverage area that wormsway says the lights cover... so i was just going by those numbers.. i really dont know what a 600 or 1000 is suppose to cover...