as long as there not harsh i dont see anything wrong with drying them up there! probally will just dry a bit quicker but o well, thats just how much sooner you'll have ur cash!
the smoke is great.. not harsh at all... super fuckin stone to... very up and intense at first.... the mellows out... then about 5 or 6 hours later its night night time... its like a 1-2-3 punch all in one... perfect almost... ill explain more below...
ley me throw a question out there to you guys, it is my understanding that during the 12 hour dark cycle the plant isnt really doing much. i just read a thread about going 14 hours dark 12 hours light. they were saying that the bud production is done at night. now im confused.
during the light period of 12/12 the girls are absorbing light energy and storing it for bud production... true, the main growth happens at night... the girls pretty much sit dormant during the day waiting to get pollenated.. when it doesnt happen that day they push their flowers out more and bigger to try again tommorow... so on and so forth.. BUT.. the light period is equally as important as the dark period, even if most growth occurs at night.. this is because they still need all the light to store up energy to make the flowers.. if they dont have the energy to back the growth, the growth wont happen... i dont know about a 12/14 cycle... personally i wouldnt try it... one setting your timers would be a pain in the ass since you would almost have to readjust them every day or set them for like a week... the light cycle would get fucked up... not to mention they have grown under a total of 24 hours of light their entire life.. i dont know what screwing with the amount of hours in their "days" would do...
ya my shits about there 2..i took all the widow off the stem...and the blueberry, both very smokable.. 6zips on the ww..1.5 on the blueberry.. all jared up..and some random contaniers that ill burp often.. still got 3blueheavens bigbud..and hdf to take down..2morrow and can them with the finished wieghts..made a lil $ another 1000watter up. shits getting there..
your just under half of what i got... yea i fell short
Sounds like you got your next crop lined up and you get to use your new toys on your girls..Just started my 12 on 12 off I will keep them off for 36 hrs Have you done this before?
ill get a couple new toys.. but.. wont get them all.... shit sucks...
i always have given my girls 36 straight before flowering... its sped up flowering for me each harvest.. i really imagine i would still have a week to go on flowering if i didnt do that this rip...
yeah.. that is about fuckin stupid... thats about like "c-spans guide to growing and getting caught"... seriously like a news station made that... just about fuckin stupid...
so im not in the best of moods today... firstly, as ive said already.. i fell short of my goal... i only got 1.5 lbs total... which ends up at about .45 grams per watt... now as dissapointed as i am i didnt make it... the reality with the way the girls grew last time is, well, i am lucky i made that much... really i shouldnt be too pissed.. for being over potted, being moved from one environment to another, being CRAZY root bound, and sorta of being rushed at the end, i made out pretty well...
so whats this mean...
well it means i cant expand the entire way i want... which sucks.. BAD.. i REALLY wanted to with this harvest... so TM.. you'll be way ahead even if you do start late

it also means that i am just going to get the 2 new HO floros... which is nice...
im trying to look at the positive side and think about it in terms of this.. i have my hydro grow started... i will be adding an extra 88,000 lumens to this grow regardless with the floros when i get them... its that much less i have to invest in next time.. plus it will give me a chance to get my window setup and the fresh air intake ran and do a couple other mods to the room without having a bunch of equipment laying around and stuff... i can spend a little more time trying out supercropping and see what the results are as far as yield comparisons than i would have otherwise... basically just tryin to make myself feel better...
i dont think i will dry them like that again.. im not sure if the lights overly dried them.. or if i was bound to get 1.5 lbs either way.. i mean, is it possible the lights just dried them out too much too fast and i lost more weight than i should have?? the buds arent crumbly at all.. they arent brittle.. which leads me to think i was just going to get 1.5 all along.. guess its just hard to tell sometimes... oh.. on a possitive note tho.. the giant cola did remain over 40 grams total
the part that i am worried about comes when i have to take clones... its not the clones im worried about.. but wtf im going to do with them once i have them rooted.. unless i take them a couple weeks into flowering.. and then transplant them into dirt again.. and hope that they arent ready for veg before next harvest.. im sorta fucked.. know what i mean.. my timing is going to be WAY off... but i guess i will have a couple extra lights.. i can always remove one from flowering and use it as a temporary veg light right? i suppose either way ill get it done... just sorta a bummer i am not where i wanted to be... but shit happens and you gotta roll with the punches right.... this punch just sorta took the wind out of me...