Whatever the case Walz was the person who argued it and reading the transcripts he certainly did
not do very well. Now I dont personally know Walz but I have talked to him before and was far from impressed. I have also heard other lawyers laugh when his name was mentioned. Trials require a certain type of smooth convincing and quick thinking lawyer!
I am not a lawyer and I can not say whether he was this or that... Quiet frankly this is a waste of time. I think spending more time reviewing this soon to be caselaw may serve more purpose.
please clarify if i am mistaken but this is how i understand what happened: so this was dismissed on two accounts basically. first administrative remedies were not exhausted meaning this case was not presented and then appealed to the proper authorities in the proper order. i am guessing there should have been a number of appeals on the dhs hearing level on this matter before bringing this in front of a judge. if this is the case this is a vast procedural shortcoming which does not have anything to do with the argument
The second reason for dismissal is that the defendant/s failed to prove that the law in question was actively harming or damaging them based on their standing as patients. i am pretty sure a case for injuctive relief must prove a few things first you must prove standing in the case and then you must prove irreparable harm or damages and then i think you must show how there is not legal alternative (not sure on last one). so we were able to prove standing which is not very hard but there was not evidence of any damages or harm.
so if my understanding of the case is correct (and please clariffy if i am incorrect or am missing something) there was a procedural issue which should have been foreseen by counsel for the defense and then there was no acceptance of the argument which counted. if this is the case i would have to agree with the cool man and maybe it would be beneficial to get some other legal opinions. for a case like this MARC VICTOR is a name which comes quickly to mind. he is very well known, has a good winning record, is an outspoken libertarian, and has a positive record winning cases. aside from these challenges it is vulgar and offensive that dispensary parties were in opposition to this case. these people prove time and time again that they dont give a shit about patients or marijuana as medicine. until we as patients realize this and start acting upon it, they will continue.
You are in the know mostly... The part that you are not correct about is the admin remedies - this complaint is not a judical review of the denial of a registry card. The complaint is a request for declartory judgement and relief. We have filed under a constitutional matter not a administrative matter. The court has venue to hear such arguument which the Administrative Court lacks.
The "Under Advisement Ruling" for this matter concluded 3 things -
1. Plaintiffs' (the patients) action is not barred by unused administrative remedies;
2. Plaintiffs (the patients) have standing;
3. ARS 36-2804.02(A)(3)(f) (the 25 mile prohibition) does not violate Article 27, Section 2 of the Arizona State Constitution
The defendents motion to dimiss (delay) was granted
BUT the plaintiffs have leave to amend the complaint. What does this mean?
Well if you refer back to the Oct 18th hearing the Judge stopped the States lawyer and asked (along these lines), "Doesn't the 25-mile rule create two classes of people?" The State responded, "Yes, it does." The equal protection clause was brought up but we did not include it in the Orginal Complaint. So what happens now? We have to amend the orginal complaint to add the equal protection violation. The reason we did not add it in the beginning was because of the tests used to make a law in violation to the latter. Now that we have the judge, at her own will, asking if the 25 mile prohibition creates 2 classes of citizens we may be making a better case now then if we had orginally aurgued that.. If someone has truly been following this - refer back to the Administrative law judge decision... The whole Game Plan is righ there at P.4 Paragraph 12 & P.5 Paragraph 13...
I will have the "Under Advisement Ruling" posted ASAP... Just been super busy! Spell check it because I am not going to....
My question to patients...
What can you do to help get your grow rights back?
My suggestion - Write your representatives, county attorneys, state attorney, governor, who ever and let them know that a Superior Court judge has "Under Advisement Ruling" ruled that the 25 mile rule violates the State Constitution's equal protection and immunity clause.... I am but one man and if I can stir the courts so can you.
We the People!
Free the weed! If we don't who will?