SinCity Seeds Info Thread

That perlite will be the death of you. Get this if you want a top dressing. Perlite attracts green algae and attracts gnats like a mofo


A few people mentioned that over at the SC forums. It's weird cause I do it to keep the gnats out actually. I usually run hempy and although I get algae it's never been a prob and no gnats.

Got me second guessing now though...
A few people mentioned that over at the SC forums. It's weird cause I do it to keep the gnats out actually. I usually run hempy and although I get algae it's never been a prob and no gnats.

Got me second guessing now though...
It won't kill the larvae tho. But I got ortho home defense to spray on the top right after I water. It will kill the larvae. Maybe have to do it twice depending on how many you have.

believe it or not, SCS doesnt want all perfect growers. they like to see how their stuff performs even under less than ideal conditions. I think many of testers get to be ashamed of posting their pic and quit.
then they shouldnt be growing, you should be growing this plant because you love it, not because you wanna hear other growers stroke your ego with you clean your room is or how pretty your girls are, its a fucken weed man, seriously!
The way I see it. "Cannabis" is an herb a "weed" is just a term coined for nuisance plants that grow in your lawn. I'm buying "weed" from someone that doesn't give a shit about the plant. It shows in their product. Anyone can grow shitty weed but because I love the plant and want the best smelling, frostiest and most potent buds I can produce. I'm going to do anything I can to accomplish my goal. Anyone that wants to go grow "weed" can go nuts. As soon as my flowers are done it'll make all the suffering the last year smoking this shitty fucking "weed" I've been forced to smoke. If your going to grow a weed take your shit to a dandelion forum.