SinCity Seeds Info Thread

I was supposed to get one of the cards for the Oscar Goodman I tested. They released it at Denver Cup 2014 and it has my pic on it. Still haven't seen it and don't even know what it looks like lol. I was just happy they used one of mines lol
Yeah I was kinda floored lol. I remember drooling over that shit when I first started. Now the younguns can hopefully do the same lmao. Definitely honoured Sin chose to pass it along. :)
Hey guys/gals my Dimmable 1k Lumatek keeps popping the fuse on startup. If disconnecting it before reset doesn't solve the problem I'll be looking for a replacement... Any thoughts on which manufacturer would be best? I've run this luma for 7 years with no issues on 120v. I know that's a lot of amps for 120 so I'm guessing it finally pooched it lol.
Lmao. I don't get tdt. Yesterday they email saying they got it back. Today I emailed asking which day he did his shipping in his reply was"Haven't even got your box this ain't Walmart be patient" lmao. Patient lol I bet everyone already got their beans from that drop. Bhahaha​