same shit happend to one of my bagseed clones a while back..i narrowed my problem down to this...i either had a light leak at night from the mini clone room (24/hr) or perhaps retard genes. the thing is i never gave it a chance to re flower..all that lanky frail shit at the top thas pissn you offf..PISSED me off so i cut that off and the tigher buds fully matured and turned out decent... i got og flowerin in a new room i built but im afraid of the same..LIGHT leaks.. im in the roof on the room light creeps from the veg room thru the raftersany light leaks???
this also happened to me once
i got some pics of that other plant ima try and dig it up for yousame shit happend to one of my bagseed clones a while back..i narrowed my problem down to this...i either had a light leak at night from the mini clone room (24/hr) or perhaps retard genes. the thing is i never gave it a chance to re flower..all that lanky frail shit at the top thas pissn you offf..PISSED me off so i cut that off and the tigher buds fully matured and turned out decent... i got og flowerin in a new room i built but im afraid of the same..LIGHT leaks.. im in the roof on the room light creeps from the veg room thru the rafters