Single brown stickyish spot in single leaf - pics

I’m just starting my 5th week of flower and noticed this single leaf on top of my canopy had a brown spot that was somewhat sticky. I’m not sure if that’s just from the sugar in the leaves. I’m growing three of the same plant and this one visually looks not as good as the other two, but still imo good condition. I did a slurry test after my second water which is with no bites and it was around 250 ppm so. The ph was between 6.2 and 6.8. With this I don’t think I have a mute lockout or anything, but who knows. Can anyone help me identify what this problem is if I even have one?

2nd grow
Indoor 2.3x2.3x5 marshydro tent
Marshydro ts1000 lights
Temp 76 degrees
55% rh
FFOF soil
Cal mag
FFOF Trio + bloom boosters
Nectar for the gods - athenas
I ph between 6.2 and 6.8 then add the below.
Slf -100
Water twice - one w/ food, one w/o food

