single leaf plant?


Well-Known Member
it happens lol, some plants hae like 11 points and some can have one... let it grow itll fix itself


Well-Known Member
haha ok cool! ive never seen any pictures like that before so i was curious. should be interesting to see it progress :-) :-) :-)


Well-Known Member
Could be genetic. Could be stress too. Any issues with temperatures, pests, etc?

Seems quite possibly genetic, would be cool to save it if it is any good... put it outdoors - a little extra stealth.


Well-Known Member
no stress or pests. the only thing I did that I can think of is putting it from clone into 5 gallon bucket. its growing in soil, normal temps, growing under flouros, and its not over or under watered :-)


Well-Known Member
im not worried, i find it fascinating!! I'm sure she'll be fine but just thought it was unique and wanted to share it.


Well-Known Member
Thats happened to mine too, its a combination of stresses, for example cloning, or retransplanting

Just make sure everything is ok, pH, nutrients, whatever, and they will grow normal leaves. Its a defense mechanism, instead of creating big leaves, it makes 1 fingered ones to keep getting in light, while focusing on roots, or whatever.
No worries in the long run, she will still make big nugs.


Well-Known Member
Generally, single leaves mean the plant is revegging after starting to flower. Common with clones since many aalready have preflpwers, or when you go outside before mid to late May