Single Seed Centre + Green House/Samara + Exodus Cheese, Ladyburn 1974, Holy Grail 69


Active Member
Fresh, fresh. Looking forward to getting these going.

Which one(s) first?




Well-Known Member
how big is your grow area? I would start them all if big enough...sometimes you get some duds or slow ones etc might as well jump on them all to find the winners. good luck!


Well-Known Member
cool nothing like an Oz grow. post some pics and let us know which you grew the best for you.


Well-Known Member
the holy grail popped also with some white rhino there about a week in just trans to soil, next watering will start of on nutes fox farm trio


Active Member
Have you started your holy grail yet I'm about 2 weeks in mine and want to grow it with somebody so if yu planted them yu should start a journal so I can subscribe I would start one but this my first brow I don't want to start it and then it dies on me (humiliating)


Active Member
I have not popped the seed yet.... but dont worry about that.... just use this thread as your journal.... I will get people over here when it gets going.... looking forward to it....


Active Member
There it is is it little for 3 weeks.??
(2) 55watt cfl (them bulbs are huge.!!)
(1) 23 or 26watts I can't remember I have four of them but them damn 55 watters are huge and take up nice space over the plant at 1" above them
50% mg and 50% perlite mix
No nuted yet I'm starting on day 30 by first putting bat guano
24/7 fan
18/6 lights


Active Member
They are not looking too small to me. They should start taking off soon.

On a side note, thanks for the Hi-res foto although they are a little to large.


Active Member
They are not looking too small to me. They should start taking off soon.

On a side note, thanks for the Hi-res foto although they are a little to large.
How did your samsara seeds work out. I heard bad things about them? Did your greenhouse seeds work good?


Well-Known Member
been tied up for a minute so while hitting a mixed bowl on the glass decided to pop in sorry for the waite lol
gave them their first set of nutes at full strenght no burns so looking nice and healthy the metal halide stopped all stretching and kept them short and bushy


Active Member
That's exactly how mine looked before they start growing like mad putting that smile on my face


Active Member
been tied up for a minute so while hitting a mixed bowl on the glass decided to pop in sorry for the waite lol
gave them their first set of nutes at full strenght no burns so looking nice and healthy the metal halide stopped all stretching and kept them short and bushy
How far along are they in those pics?