SIP’n with Hook Daddy

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
The plants are now about 6 weeks from flipping to 12/12 and still putting on weight nicely. I put up trellis nets on all 3, they were starting to fall over a bit. I’m doing a fair amount of top dressing as they seem to always be hungry. Right now I’m just using a handful of the Espoma dry nutes and top watering in with a light mix of jacks bloom booster each plant a couple times a week.



Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Just a couple more days, but thought I’d do an update. Plants look good,

I haven’t post a pic of my sip setup in a while. Nothing changed really. I added the trellis to the mobile base so they all move independently.


This was a bad idea, I made a disk with holes all around, put it in the center of the plant. I used wire to connect them in a grid, a trellis without borders. Sounded good until the whole plant fell one way, don’t try this at home. Tying the plant to itself does not work.

The one Bubba Kush is getting nice looking. At about 7 weeks the colas are stacking nicely. Another month and it’s chop time by my feeling, although the other BK may tak an extra couple weeks.


Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
I was gone from home for almost 2 weeks, I did have someone top the sips with water every so often but for the most part the girls were on their own. They had a bit of yellowing of the lower fan leaves, but that was to be expected. Overall I think they did well, especially the Bubba Kushs. I just top dressed with a hand full of Tomato Tone and watered in with some lite Jacks Bloom Booster. Here’s a few pics, first the Bubba Kush 1 full plant pic. She’s not a herm but def has Donkey Dicks.

Here’s a closeup

Next is BK2

And another bud pic. I need to work on my photography, hard to capture the frost on this crappy phone.

Here’s the DoSiDo. She took my leave of absence the worst, I think she missed me and was sad. She’s looking better already though.


And of course a closer bud pic.

Hers a long shot pic of all the girls, at least the best I can get.

Have a great 4th of July weekend, stay safe and high! Thank you to all my RIU friends that have brought me this far, I didn’t know shit when I joined this site other than a few gorilla grows and pre harvested indoor fails.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
About 10 weeks from flip now, all three have slowed way down on water uptake. I think another week or two will do it, with the sips water uptake is easy to measure and seems a fairly reliable indicator they are getting close. I raised the hlg a bit, there’s some foxtailing starting but nothing I’m worried about.

Here’s the 1st BK

And BK2

And last but not least the DoSiDo

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Ok wow it’s been 3 weeks and I’m getting ready to final chop the BK2. It’s at about 13 weeks since flip. If you don’t watch my drying and curing with thermoelectric stuff then you may miss some harvest and final pics. I try to keep this updated though. Here’s my drying page.

Here’s a bud pic


Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Wow I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I posted on my grow, I do switch to my drying and curing thread once close to finish though, so lots there to read as well. On my last run Dosidos was the clear favorite amongst friends and family, with the BK2 pheno a close second. The BK 1 was a good before bed bud, but nothing really special. I decided to run the Dosi and BK2 again, clones from the last run, here they are at about week 6 of flower. I know I left a couple months out, but not much happens during veg. I once again didn’t redo my scrog screens and had to deal with scrambling at the last minute to support them, and I have a strong feeling I’m not done. Perpetual runs don’t give much time between to tweak stuff. Anyway here’s a few bud pics I took, I’ll follow up with some full plant pics in the next week or two.

The first Dosido

The second Dosido

The Bubba Kush

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
As usual I didn’t keep up here with veg, but the sips are about 8 weeks into bloom and looking good, all three this time are Dosidos, my last run of these, it’s great smoke but I have so many things I want to run, next up is probably going to be a sativa run, golden Tiger and Malawi I think.

Here’s a couple full plant pics. I have the trellis net a bit high this time. I got used to the sativa stretch but these didn’t stretch quite as much as I expected. Everything is working out ok though. I haven’t changed much else, the sips are the same 17 gal totes on wheels. And all scrog netting and trellis netting moves with each tote individually.


Here’s a couple bud pics




Well-Known Member
Yes, like you've mentioned earlier in your thread, once the roots hit the reservoir, growth is fast.
So, at the end of a run do you dump the soil out of your SIPs and just re-amend and re-use it? If so, do you just add some Epsoma garden tone and maybe a bit more perlite, or how do you re-amend?
I run a coots mix, but I've just been dumping it into outside garden beds when a run is finished, and mixing a new batch every run. Eventually, I want to re-use my soil just for the $ factor. What is your soil mix?
I'm finding some strains, and/or phenotypes are ok with how I feed them and they stay green (except of course some lower fan leaves) for the most part, and form nice buds, and finish well. However, I've had a few that though given the same conditions and feed, struggle and either need more feed, or maybe they get locked out, I'm not sure. Right now I have an Orange Cherries (Dynasty freebie) in one SIP in my 4x4, and a GMO zkittlez from Ethos in a second SIP. The OC is doing fine, green leaves, forming nice buds ( bit of foxtailing, so I've been raising my light) but generally look good, whereas the GMO zkittlez was a bit mag deficient early, ( so i foliar fed epsom salts a few times in veg) and even though I was feeding basically the same otherwise as the OC, now 7 weeks into flower the GMO zkittlez looks horrible, hardly any leaves left (buds surprisingly look ok) and I just hope to limp her across the finish line. I think she maybe needed more nitrogen early flower. I am thinking I may try to run the GMO zkittlez again and wait to switch to bloom nutes a bit longer ( I use Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4) .

Gaia Green doesn't have any microbes in it. Would like to try that Epsoma Garden Tone, or maybe Dr. Earth general purpose as they both contain microbes in their formulations. They are very expensive to buy in Canada, so not sure that's really an option. Maybe I can just buy some mycorrizae and use it as a soil mix ingredient to get some microbial life going that way.
Sorry for the bookish post in your journal. Maybe I should have posted in "plant problems" thread, but I'm curious about your methods and love the results you have been getting.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Yes, like you've mentioned earlier in your thread, once the roots hit the reservoir, growth is fast.
So, at the end of a run do you dump the soil out of your SIPs and just re-amend and re-use it? If so, do you just add some Epsoma garden tone and maybe a bit more perlite, or how do you re-amend?
I run a coots mix, but I've just been dumping it into outside garden beds when a run is finished, and mixing a new batch every run. Eventually, I want to re-use my soil just for the $ factor. What is your soil mix?
I'm finding some strains, and/or phenotypes are ok with how I feed them and they stay green (except of course some lower fan leaves) for the most part, and form nice buds, and finish well. However, I've had a few that though given the same conditions and feed, struggle and either need more feed, or maybe they get locked out, I'm not sure. Right now I have an Orange Cherries (Dynasty freebie) in one SIP in my 4x4, and a GMO zkittlez from Ethos in a second SIP. The OC is doing fine, green leaves, forming nice buds ( bit of foxtailing, so I've been raising my light) but generally look good, whereas the GMO zkittlez was a bit mag deficient early, ( so i foliar fed epsom salts a few times in veg) and even though I was feeding basically the same otherwise as the OC, now 7 weeks into flower the GMO zkittlez looks horrible, hardly any leaves left (buds surprisingly look ok) and I just hope to limp her across the finish line. I think she maybe needed more nitrogen early flower. I am thinking I may try to run the GMO zkittlez again and wait to switch to bloom nutes a bit longer ( I use Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4) .

Gaia Green doesn't have any microbes in it. Would like to try that Epsoma Garden Tone, or maybe Dr. Earth general purpose as they both contain microbes in their formulations. They are very expensive to buy in Canada, so not sure that's really an option. Maybe I can just buy some mycorrizae and use it as a soil mix ingredient to get some microbial life going that way.
Sorry for the bookish post in your journal. Maybe I should have posted in "plant problems" thread, but I'm curious about your methods and love the results you have been getting.
I have just been amending my soil at the end of each run, and I am using the Espoma tomato tone, perlite as needed, a bit of lime, and some ewc. The original soil was miracle grow container soil amended with coco, perlite, vermiculite, lime, ewc and peat. I do the earth box method for the tomato tone, mixing a few handfuls in with the soil, then making a trench on either side with a strip of nutes. I have also been foiler spraying during veg, using epsom salt, calcium nit, and adding some armor si as well. I find myself top dressing tomato tone about once a week, and top watering it in with a bit of CalMag in the water. I do have some of the same issues with leaves yellowing toward the end of flower, but they seem to ride through to the end. I’ll see next run with the sativas, I’m hoping I have it dialed in enough. This run I never used bloom nutes and I think it’s actually been better off, perhaps it’s not using salts in the sips. I used to add jacks bloom boost to the top water when they looked hungry, now I am trying to top dress with tomato tone and water in before they look hungry, which seems to be working better.

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
Time to chop this week, plants are looking fairly good so I’m happy with this grow. Keeping up with top dressing on a regular basis kept them looking nicer throughout the grow, at least it seems to have worked a bit better. I didn’t really change much other than that. Here’s a couple bud pics before the harvest.




And here’s a couple full plant pics



Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
I have the next round started, it will be slightly different than my original plan of an all sativa seed run. I’ve got two fem plants, BOO and Puck, and two regs, golden Tiger and Malawi. I’ll let them veg awhile in pots with some heavy lst, then put them in the sips a few days before flipping to 12/12.


Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
A quick update, the BOO, Puck and Malawi are about 4 weeks old now, still in 6” pots. The Golden Tiger is about 3 weeks old. They are doing well, the BOO is really taking off, I am thinking the Malawi is gonna fight me the entire grow, but I’m looking forward to it. They’ll go into the sips in another week or so. I just amended the soil with some plant-tone, lime, and a bit of langbeinite and got them ready to go. Here’s a few pics of the plants.

First the BOO.


Here’s the Puck


The Malawi


And the Golden Tiger


Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
It’s already 5 weeks later and it’s time to flip the lights. First off I am not happy to report that BOO didn’t make it. I’m not sure what happened, I put her in the sip and nothing, no growth at all. Everyone else took off, I even put the golden Tiger in the same sip, same soil and everything and it’s doing well. I left the light low after taking a picture one evening, but I don’t believe that would cause anything much. We’ve lost power longer than that. I may never figure it out. The roots just never caught after transplant. I know it was my fault, she was doing fantastic and the most vigorous of all of them. Life goes on and I have more seeds.

On to the rest. The PUCK is the fullest, but no surprise being the only indica dominant. Here she is now


Here PUCK is after a bit of defoliation


I popped 2 Malawi and a Golden Tiger, all regular from Ace, not one male. I had hoped for one, but next time. They really weren’t so bushy as to need any defoliation. I’ve got them with some lst and a scrog net going in, they got a good veg so will be fun to tame in the next couple weeks. Here’s the GT


And Malawi 1


Malawi 2 is in a 3 gallon pot now, I am still deciding but I think it will go in a bigger pot or sip soon. She’s a little droopy but I hadn’t watered her yet.


Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
It’s been two weeks since flipping to 12/12 so time for a quick update. They are all starting to drink a lot, the Puck over a gallon a day. I have been feeding the Puck a couple handfuls of tomato tone once a week, the others every other week. So far they seem happy with the schedule. I have also been moving them so they only stay under the same light for a few days, then they get rotated and put in a new spot. I’m hoping to keep it up and see if it helps out with a more level canopy, but I usually get lazy after a few weeks of flower and they get big.

Here’s the Puck. The buds have a definite density to them already the sativas don’t. It’s interesting to watch the differences as they grow.

Here’s the Golden Dragon. She’s filling out well with the lst and now the scrog. I’m hoping with all the sativas the scrog will help with the stretch. I’m going to need a trellis net as well I’m sure. I’ll wait another week or so before putting it up.

Here’s Malawi 1

And Malawi 2, she’s still in the 7 gallon pot with much less lst and no scrog. I figured a side by side comparison of how the two different methods work and the yields would be interesting. I hope I can keep her from stretching too high.

And a group pic of all of them