Sir_dabs First Grow *Total Newbie*

Wow Sirdabs is off to the races, good job! Nice girls, the suspense of not knowing what they are I killing me, must be a woman's thing. Sub'd for duration.
Good luck man!
Seems like you have everything in order and plenty of help.
I am going to take a hiatus for a while, if you need anything, feel free to PM m.
Mmmmmm, I think you gonna like dat SN2 gal.... She gonna have a big butt before she's done I bet. Also bet she would dig alternating feedings in flower between organic guano teas and Dyna grow.... just sayin :mrgreen:

You're killin it man.
Bubba!!! My man!!

Today is a very happy day, as I finally got these ladies a house.

I was finally able to free up some cash for a nice tent.
Picked up Secret Jardin Dark Room II.

I was stressing out big time. As I thought ” shit, I'll just pick up a tent..”

Not having any idea how much they cost...haha.

I had a feeling...

Lol...thanks bro ;)
Update coming tonight, after the set up is complete...

These ladies have lots of new growth to photograph.

Gigantic thanks ...

No need for any more specifics.
New tent, lighting and exhaust is up and running..

Currently entertaining my nieces birthday party and sneaking out to the garage to continue getting everything in

Also currently running the ballast and lamp at full power as recommended by both reflector and ballast recommendations...
Need to get an oscillating fan in there, as temps are in the high 80s with 720 cfm exhausting hot air out..this inline fan is bad ass.

Hoping the oscillating will bring the temp down at least a lil.
Welp.. I've found a temporary solution to correct excessive heat inside the tent...and it worked efficiently, however not ideal..

I simply cracked the garage door about 6 inches and opened a side vent...the temp dropped from 91° to 85.5° within 5 minutes..

Having to wait til all the kids leave get the ladies in there...
Good times:)
Edit: I won't know for sure until the heat of the day revisits tomorrow, but the addition of an oscillating fan and a mini fan has the room at 74° currently.

This seems ideal for night temps, hoping to land around 85° for the day.
Lets call this one ” the wreck”..

Here is ” SN3”..

Next is SN2...*note my feet*... Lol

Other side of SN3...

Other side of SN2... ;)

Lots o work still to be accomplished, but they are certainly going to love the new environment..


Moar pics tomorrow.
Goodnight Colorado.
Guys here is what's up sirdabs was banned for my last post totally my fault I had no idea I couldn't help him out and offer him an ac unit. Anyone know of anything we can do to reinstate his profile? I feel like an a hole the guy need this medicine and growing is the best way for him to get it. I am hoping I can rally some help for sirdabs here and hopefully not get banned myself in the process.
No, not going to be able to get him a new profile for a bit, i am going to try to see if i can help at all.
Hopefully he realizes that this is an open forum however, and can still read, even if he cant post. I never gave him my e-mail dammit!
I am going to see what i can do, i feel pretty responsible as i know i openly offered stuff too, and i am supposed to know better.
i will look into it you guys need to realize though that selling or trading or gifting of ANYTHING on riu could get the website shut down. and you all need to stop doing it thanks
Sunni I am sorry for offering on the boards it's totally my fault sirdabs wasn't asking for anything but for help and I screwed up and offered him goods. It won't happen again to be honest I didn't even know it was an issue until now. Thank you for replying.

He was reinstated, cited as getting deleted with the spambots, nothing to do with this or any other thread.
However we need to watch our selves on our open offers, i am going to police things a little tighter from now on.
Thanks everyone for the support!