Sister has Stage 4 cancer, I need a recipe


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I am posting this here as well as in the cooking section, my apologies for double posting but it is my most important post ever and I need help.

Sorry to post such a somber title but it is true.

My Brothers wife is stage 4 with cancer flat started in her breasts and moved to her lymph system then liver.
Now it is in her Brain, she is a Very Stubborn strong minded person.

Paula is not eating and I am looking for the right recipe to help her.

She has a vape pen and BHO but I don't think she is using it because she is still not eating.

My recipe is butter based and I make some killer sugar cookies and rice crispy treats.Paula still won't eat Sugar or Gluten even though she has been brought home to die.

So I need a gluten free low sugar recipe that uses either Budder or BHO.

Personally I have never cooked with BHO but I create a nice strong Budder for my recipes.

To reiterate I need a gluten free low sugar recipe, Paula won't do candies.

A Drink would be PEREFECT.

So Please help me out so I can help My Sister.

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Fuck I'm sorry brother , u should ask in the outdoor section I know people there will help!! I would just ask in show and tell in the outdoor section those people are great and I'm sure someone there can point you in the right direction! !
Why don't you ask what she wants ?
you said she has a vapo pen but not sure if she's using it? And you want to make cookies for her? Ask her ? Poorly people don't have much to think about but dying ( im aloud to say that because i am ) so while your running around looking for some thing to cook and arnt sure if she's even useing her vapo ,,,,,,,ask her what she wants?
Bullit You are absolutely correct if it was not my current situation.
My relationship has been distant at best over the last 20 years.
Paula was and is a controlling dominating person.
When my Dad was alive she drove him Nuts!
He couldn't stand how this woman would take a stand over the silliest shit.
Pops would just have a scotch and wait till the family visit ended.
Everyone including Paula thought that she would divorce my brother.
Her cancer was found at her annual screening.
When They found her cancer it had already Passed from breast to Lymph to blood and know finally the liver and brain.
Her situation has changed how we think about and treat Paula in my family.

She can be herself and not listen to dr's. Or any other thing she does because she is family and she is dying.
Some may see this as turn coat but In my family even if you are difficult you get support when you need it.

In turn she gave support in the past in my familes history.

So no I can't talk to her, only my brother and a few close friends talk to her.

I know about the vape pen from her Daughter, Paula asked for it specifically.

She is a 56 year old woman, I am sure she has a few friends that burn.

I know she smoked in college but that's 30 odd years ago.

I live 1500 miles away so it's not like I can just drop by.

My brother is on overload and doesn't want to hear from me, it's just that way.

When it came to getting the vape or oil, it was her Daughter her got it.

Any recipe I get will be passed to my niece so she can make it for her mother in NY.
Daughter lives nearby in Ct.

I am just trying to help.
Don't like it?
High CBD low THC, hash is blended with coconut oil. If you're on the east coast the ratio of hash to coconut should be whatever you got/can even find plus a trader joes organic or whatever type she'll eat coconut oil. Heated between 280-300 for around 20 minutes stirring till homogenous. Allow to cool. Put into capsules, spread on toast, eat as is..
I just wanted to say sorry for your family as well. I watched a good friend pass from pancreatic cancer and it was one of the worst things I have ever seen in my life. I just want a cure.
I'm very sorry and hope for the best for her. I wish I could be of more help but what I do know is you should be looking into high CBD meds. Also be aware that just because a strain has produced high cbd before does not mean it will again unless it is a cutting/clone from the high cbd plant. Different phenotypes of the same strain can have much different properties.
Much love any I wish you the best