site jacking

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RIU Bulldog
2. RIU has lost a good number of it's most skilled and most helpful members over the last year or so. Due to various reasons, one of them being that certain people who were or are in positions of authority here, that were not made to handle the position, that lacked or lack the temperament and experience needed, have driven off most of the best of the best. Of those with true skills and experience that remain a fair percentage of them now spend a minimal amount of time here and spend most of their time on one or more other sites.
Yeah they leave sometimes....but they always come back. Even riddleme started posting again when he was unbanned lmao!!


Well-Known Member
i think the point is He wrote the PM in a way slating RIU and saying the new forum was amazing and all the pros HAVE left riu to go there ! thats the issue ... no one cares about if you use more than one forum but why slag one off to get people to join another ....


Well-Known Member
so lets comment removed about how its not cool to publicly post this...especially in a completely irrelevant section(i.e. its in newbie central guys cmon)...yet its still here...good job mods...
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