site navigation question

Im to stoned to navigate this site. the side effects of my medinical weed are kicking my ass. My question is how do i find a post from 24hrsago or 2 weeks ago how do i save threads help computer illiterate


Active Member
Im to stoned to navigate this site. the side effects of my medinical weed are kicking my ass. My question is how do i find a post from 24hrsago or 2 weeks ago how do i save threads help computer illiterate
No One is too stoned to navigate this site. Look you already got the correct answer! You're amazing Nice Work! Now go take a big toke for me! GrowIT!:weed:
ps you can always 'subscribe' to any threads you like and have them show up in your e-mail. I save the messages to threads I like in my mail program too...


Well-Known Member
click on your name next to welcome (top right) in there click on Statistics .then click Find all posts by..this is every post you ever made.the one under that is every post you started.