Sites to help understand Sovereignty & Videos to help explain.

Michael Sparks

Active Member


Some Videos to help gain understanding.





Well-Known Member


Some Videos to help gain understanding.



This is a fascinating subject. Of course some legal experts are saying this whole "movement" is bogus and won't hold water in a court of law. There was a segment on 60 minutes about the "Sovereign Citizens" movement a while back. They painted the movement in a really negative light.:blsmoke:


Michael Sparks

Active Member
This is a fascinating subject. Of course some legal experts are saying this whole "movement" is bogus and won't hold water in a court of law. There was a segment on 60 minutes about the "Sovereign Citizens" movement a while back. They painted the movement in a really negative light.:blsmoke:

The obvious reason is becuase they do not want people to think, know & understand, they keep us dumbed down so we do not ask questions.
All the info is out there, we have seen in movies, tv, and books, all we need to do is wake up to this reality.

Sara Saw It

Active Member
I think the information is rather compelling. The more I think about it and realize it is the way things should be - the more frustrated I get with the world.

People need to wake up. I can't take them being asleep anymore.

I posted a thread about the documentary UNGRIP. It is mostly about Rob in the Page family's quest to be sovereign. Check it out.

I would expect the media to portray the 'movement' in a negative light. They could probably say we are lunatics. But that is just them using their power to keep us afraid and in control.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
I think the information is rather compelling. The more I think about it and realize it is the way things should be - the more frustrated I get with the world.

People need to wake up. I can't take them being asleep anymore.

I posted a thread about the documentary UNGRIP. It is mostly about Rob in the Page family's quest to be sovereign. Check it out.

I would expect the media to portray the 'movement' in a negative light. They could probably say we are lunatics. But that is just them using their power to keep us afraid and in control.
I also have been following Rob, he is a good person, have conversed with him via email, he is quite knowledgeable upon sovereignty.


Well-Known Member
The law is open to interpretation. I agree that each and every human being SHOULD be free to do whatever they please, so long as it does not infringe on the rights of another. Human nature is such that there will always be some twit who claims that something YOU or I are doing which doesn't directly infringe on his rights, is somehow infringing on HIS rights. We can be greedy, jealous, corrupt, self absorbed, self motivated, and altogether treacherous creatures. We also have the capacity for kindness, compassion, love, charity............

I agree with this sovereign movement in theory. Unfortunately, the real world gets in the way of theory. Things can get very murky when dealing with the law. The law may be an abstract, intangible concept, but it has very real consequences for those who find themselves on the wrong side of it. Living within the confines of the law is part of the price we pay for living in a civilized society and reaping the benefits of the things that government provides. Problem is government is overstepping its bounds a little too often these days. Something has to change. We are nearing a tipping point in the world today. :neutral:

Sara Saw It

Active Member
Problem is government is overstepping its bounds a little too often these days. Something has to change. We are nearing a tipping point in the world today. :neutral:
Maybe what has to change is our knowledge and practice of our sovereignty. We all have to stand up sometime and now seems like a great time. I am a human being. I never chose things to be this way.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
The law is open to interpretation. I agree that each and every human being SHOULD be free to do whatever they please, so long as it does not infringe on the rights of another. Human nature is such that there will always be some twit who claims that something YOU or I are doing which doesn't directly infringe on his rights, is somehow infringing on HIS rights. We can be greedy, jealous, corrupt, self absorbed, self motivated, and altogether treacherous creatures. We also have the capacity for kindness, compassion, love, charity............

I agree with this sovereign movement in theory. Unfortunately, the real world gets in the way of theory. Things can get very murky when dealing with the law. The law may be an abstract, intangible concept, but it has very real consequences for those who find themselves on the wrong side of it. Living within the confines of the law is part of the price we pay for living in a civilized society and reaping the benefits of the things that government provides. Problem is government is overstepping its bounds a little too often these days. Something has to change. We are nearing a tipping point in the world today. :neutral:
Everything is theory until we put it into practice, ya know what I am sayin DOC?? We have not opened out mouths, we all stand by idly and let everything happen, conscious observers almost, everyone seems complacent as to what they are truly able to do as a person, mainly becuase we choose to not make a choice.