Six Organizations Call on President Obama to End Unnecessary Assault on Marijuana


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Coalition to President Obama: "It is time for a new approach on marijuana policy."
Contact: Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director, (202) 483-5500
Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, [email protected]
Washington, DC -- In the wake of recent attacks on medical marijuana providers and patients by multiple branches of the federal government, including Monday's raids on Oaksterdam University in Oakland, CA, a coalition of six national drug policy reform organizations is appealing to President Obama and his administration to follow its own previously stated policies respecting state medical marijuana laws. In the letter, posted in full below, the organizations call on the Obama administration to bring an end to the federal government's ongoing campaign to undermine state efforts to regulate safe and legal access to medical marijuana for those patients who rely on it.
The Obama Administration's National Drug Control Strategy Report 2012, reportedly being released in the coming days, is expected to cling to failed and outdated marijuana policies which further cement the control of the marijuana trade in the hands of drug cartels and illegal operators, endangering both patients in medical marijuana states and citizens everywhere. The members of this coalition stand together with members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, current and former Latin American leaders whose countries are being ravaged by drug cartels, state officials from five medical marijuana states, and tens of millions of Americans in their call for a more rational approach to marijuana policy.
April 4, 2012
President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington D.C. 20500
Via Fax: 202-456-2461
Dear Mr. President:
Our coalition represents the views of tens of millions of Americans who believe the war on medical marijuana patients and providers you are fighting is misguided and counterproductive. As your administration prepares to release its annual National Drug Control Strategy, we want to speak with one voice and convey our deep sense of anger and disappointment in your lack of leadership on this issue.
Voters and elected officials in sixteen states and the District of Columbia have determined that the medical use of marijuana should be legal. In many of these states, the laws also include means for providing medical marijuana patients safe access to this medicine. These laws allowing for the cultivation and distribution of medical marijuana actually shift control of marijuana sales from the criminal underground to state-licensed, taxed, and regulated producers and distributors.
Instead of celebrating - or even tolerating - this state experimentation, which has benefited patients and taken profits away from drug cartels, you have turned your back as career law enforcement officials have run roughshod over some of the most professional and well-regulated medical marijuana providers. We simply cannot understand why you have reneged on your administration's earlier policy of respecting state medical marijuana laws.
Our frustration and confusion over your administration's uncalled-for attacks on state-authorized medical marijuana providers was best summed up by John McCowen, the chair of the Mendocino County (CA) board of supervisors, who said, "It's almost as if there was a conscious effort to drive [medical marijuana cultivation and distribution] back underground. My opinion is that's going to further endanger public safety and the environment - the federal government doesn't seem to care about that."
The National Drug Control Strategy you are about to release will no doubt call for a continuation of policies that have as a primary goal the ongoing and permanent control of the marijuana trade by drug cartels and organized crime. We cannot and do not endorse the continued embrace of this utterly failed policy. We stand instead with Latin American leaders, members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and the vast majority of people who voted you into office in recognizing that it is time for a new approach on marijuana policy.
With approximately 50,000 people dead in Mexico over the past five years as the result of drug war-related violence, we hope that you will immediately reconsider your drug control strategy and will work with, not against, states and organizations that are attempting to shift control of marijuana cultivation and sales, at least as it applies to medical marijuana, to a controlled and regulated market.
Drug Policy Alliance (DPA)
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP)
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA)
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)
cc: Eric Holder, Attorney General, Department of Justice
James Cole, Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice
Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Government.. a system put in place to make you think what you say matters.

Dude ran his entire fucking campaign in 08 on "we will not arrest medical marijuana users", fast forward 4 years, his administration is responsible for more drug raids than the Bush administration.

He wasn't taking any heat from the conservatives on more strict drug enforcement, just like McCowen said...

Government.. a system put in place to make you think what you say matters.

Dude ran his entire fucking campaign in 08 on "we will not arrest medical marijuana users", fast forward 4 years, his administration is responsible for more drug raids than the Bush administration.

He wasn't taking any heat from the conservatives on more strict drug enforcement, just like McCowen said...

As we now know, Obamics is all about waiting til after the election when he'll have more flexibility... (fuck)
Just legalize it for EVERYONE.

make it readily available and you wont have to worry about any of this bullshit. getting arrested for posesion of marijuana destroys peoples lives. smoking it is not as harmful as tobacco and alcohol but yet they are legal. If a college student gets arrested (even off campus) for posesion of marijuanna the school has the right to kick them out, and they will. they will also lose any federal grant money and have to REPAY any money that was recieved after the date of the incident. So why are we throwing good citizens under the bus, people trying to make something of themselvs that enjoy a little recreational toke, maybe even to help with anxiety of studying and exams in college (that would be a medical use) Most people when asked why they smoke they give a reason other than "i just like to be high man" usually its more along the lines of "it relaxes me"

look at how many people die every year to alcohol and tobacco related diseases/accidents. some of which the people whom are killed are inocent bystanders to the drastic affects of alcohol. whether it be a person hit by a drunk driver or a battered to death spouse from a enraged drunk. what about the second hand smoke people allow thier kids to breathe in that ultimatly leads them to start smoking themselves.

this shit has got to be put to a end and legalized for EVERYONE not just medical patients.
The government makes money off of the DEA and raids. I think they figure they make more money off of prohibition than they would legalizing it. That and big pharma lobbyists make sure congress won't do anything to make mj legal. Writing letters to Obama is somewhat useless, but at least it gives mj more press coverage. It might lead to more than 3 or 4 congressmen being pro pot. If we find enough senators to actually swing the vote in congress and deny lobbyist money then we're getting somewhere. But I don't see that happening. Especially with big pharma releasing marinol or whatever it is.
Are you fucking kidding me? You think he's Muslim?

Jesus Christ, we're way more fucked than I thought..

Yeah he just doesnt give a crap about representation and neither do a whole bunch of other shit politicians we have in office. Pot smokers are the new blacks in American society.
Yeah he just doesnt give a crap about representation and neither do a whole bunch of other shit politicians we have in office. Pot smokers are the new blacks in American society.

Then that would make black pot smokers the new Native Americans in American society. But unfortunately as Dr. HS Thompson aptly observed way back when; Nixon's act of ignoring fact for marijuana fiction resulted in the criminalization of an entire generation. Once you are in the System it makes little difference outside of it what color your skin is. You are a Deviant. A Criminal.
Well your fucking muslim avatar shows you love the GOD DAMN AMERICAN hating son of a bitch. Take that rag off your fucking head and see the world for what it is. I didn't think you muslim bastard believed in Jesus Christ but you want to use his name. I'm sure you god damn America too right. You believe the cock sucker is American if you want but no way I will. A mother fucker who wants to destroy this country should be tried for treason and hung in public. Now go pray to muhhamd so you will feel better about using the muslim hated word JC.
Well your fucking muslim avatar shows you love the GOD DAMN AMERICAN hating son of a bitch. Take that rag off your fucking head and see the world for what it is. I didn't think you muslim bastard believed in Jesus Christ but you want to use his name. I'm sure you god damn America too right. You believe the cock sucker is American if you want but no way I will. A mother fucker who wants to destroy this country should be tried for treason and hung in public. Now go pray to muhhamd so you will feel better about using the muslim hated word JC.

Pathetic troll is pathetic.
Freedom of religeon is a basic American value. Its what our Constitution says. Check out the USS Liberty a false flag op wher President Johnson ordered the US servicemen aboard to be murdered, so we could blame it on the mideast and invade them, murder them and steal their oil in 1967. The WTC was an inside job unlike the garbage washington spews at us. Check it and see the similarities. Highly doubtful anyone in the mideast had anything to do with 911. Lt. Col. Bo Gritz has a lot to say about Oklahoma City being an inside job too. I'd put my money on the Colonel over the lying a hole politicians who have filled their pockets dividing this country and murdering its citizens while becoming rich from the whole thing. Place your hate on these anti patriots who spin media stories like nobodys bussiness. Fooling the American people is a full time job for them. Divided we fall my brother.
well your fucking muslim avatar shows you love the god damn american hating son of a bitch. Take that rag off your fucking head and see the world for what it is. I didn't think you muslim bastard believed in jesus christ but you want to use his name. I'm sure you god damn america too right. You believe the cock sucker is american if you want but no way i will. A mother fucker who wants to destroy this country should be tried for treason and hung in public. Now go pray to muhhamd so you will feel better about using the muslim hated word jc.

get him skeeter!