Six Organizations Call on President Obama to End Unnecessary Assault on Marijuana

That pretty well sums it up.

What would the CIA do without drug money? They'd have to justify their black ops to congress. And that would never go over well.

How would judges and law makers receive huge cash bribes that go unnoticed without a black market for something? Preferably more than one thing...

Not to mention the guys who are largely behind the drug dealers also own the private prisons. And those folks are producing widgets and trinkets and being paid almost nothing. They are often educated and skilled too if they have an MJ background (to use us specifically as to why we are targeted so openly vs other more dangerous substances). Cheap, educated, skilled, labour. And often the arrests come easy too. Forget the property seized. Slave labour is back and legal.

And lest we forget the oil companies, pharmaceutical companies, cotton industry, timber industry and countless other interests that would be directly effected by a plant that offers superior solutions to many of the products those groups provide - and for less money.

It becomes clear why we are where we are and why it is not going to change anytime soon.