Six plants, One basement

Hey everyone , so im fairly new at growing ive grown before but not through the full cycle (due to my brother gifting me flowering plants) i currently have 6 budding plants outside that are really amazing to me. Two of them stand out the most and i really wanted to keep them so i gave cloning a go! WOOHOo! I'm so i. Love with growing MJ it is just so amazing to me how beautiful these plants are and so many people are afraid of them! Well back to the point sorry lol. So i have 5. Cuttings from my blackberry plant in rockwool and a humidity dome along with for BBK clones under two 14 watt (60 watt equiv.) cfl's. I dipped em in cloning gel and soaked the rockwool in 5.5 ph water before i transfered them over. That was yesterday so now the cuttings are lokinng pretty well. Anyways i have a basement that i wanted to construct a grow room in not sure what the best kind would be guess tbats why im here i've been lookimg around and have gotten a lot of info but i cant seem to find out what would be the best for my situation. Wasnt to much into the soil thing een tho thats what there in now... Rockwool sems like a cool substrate to use... Guess im just looking for guidance or a mentor/s if you will! I'll habe picw up soon im telling you they're real nice! Thanks all and I'm sorry for the long post im just so excited about my babiez! I've never posted this much in a forum before lol!:eyesmoke:bongsmilie

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Hey everyone , so im fairly new at growing ive grown before but not through the full cycle (due to my brother gifting me flowering plants) i currently have 6 budding plants outside that are really amazing to me. Two of them stand out the most and i really wanted to keep them so i gave cloning a go! WOOHOo! I'm so i. Love with growing MJ it is just so amazing to me how beautiful these plants are and so many people are afraid of them! Well back to the point sorry lol. So i have 5. Cuttings from my blackberry plant in rockwool and a humidity dome along with for BBK clones under two 14 watt (60 watt equiv.) cfl's. I dipped em in cloning gel and soaked the rockwool in 5.5 ph water before i transfered them over. That was yesterday so now the cuttings are lokinng pretty well. Anyways i have a basement that i wanted to construct a grow room in not sure what the best kind would be guess tbats why im here i've been lookimg around and have gotten a lot of info but i cant seem to find out what would be the best for my situation. Wasnt to much into the soil thing een tho thats what there in now... Rockwool sems like a cool substrate to use... Guess im just looking for guidance or a mentor/s if you will! I'll habe picw up soon im telling you they're real nice! Thanks all and I'm sorry for the long post im just so excited about my babiez! I've never posted this much in a forum before lol!:eyesmoke:bongsmilie
Funny enough, this dude is doing basically exactly what you're asking. Watch this video. It's not the best I've seen, but there's some good info in there for getting a hydro setup and building a grow room. Watch it, learn it, love it.
Thanks! That was pretty much wht i was looking for a *visual* i guess you could with a lil extra research i should be on my way :) pics soon!