Six weeks flowering Blue Cheese/Powerkush. Normal yellowing? (PICS)


Well-Known Member
I've had about 4 or 5 successful grows now and I have a recurring issue I think I could improve on but need some advice. Every grow after the 4-5th week of flowering my plants start getting yellow. I realize yellowing is normal late into flowering but for me my plants usually end up getting 100% light green to yellow overall near the 7th week. I'm trying to improve my yields and I'm wondering if I should be giving them more veg nutes early on. I tend to give them 1/4 strength Grow big once during veg and then another half dose 4-5 weeks into flowering.

Current Grow info (Pics below): Big Buddha Blue Cheese and Dinafem PowerKush. They were vegged for 14 days. The blue cheese is now 26'' tall and the Powerkush is 31''. I'm using Fox Farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom for nutes. They were both grown under a 150HPS up top and another 150HPS for side lighting. I used Happy Frog soil and 1/3 perlite for better drainage.

Big Buddha Blue Cheese

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It definitely smells like blue berries with a spicy, cheese undertone to it. :blsmoke:

Dinafem Powerkush:

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It smells like a mix of lemon and oranges.

Random pictures showing overall yellowness

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Well-Known Member
looks like they are getting N deficient. you should continue to use the grow formula into week 4 of 12/12 or choose nutes with better N for flowering.

I use CANNA COCO A and B npk 5-4-3 the whole way through with PK1314 during week3.



Well-Known Member
Makes sense. I tend to flower early at about 14 days and soon when I do 12/12 I'd go right to flower nutes. I'll stop being so stingy with veg nutes next time and hopefully that will prevent them from getting so hungry for it later on. Thanks for the help! +rep


Well-Known Member
if you check the FF feeding schedule im sure it says continue with grow until week 3/4 but you should always use a grow blend during 2week stretch at least.


R. Duke

Yes clear nitrogen deficiency. While i do like the Grow Big from FF, i use it for the micronutrients it contains. But i dont think that it really holds up as a stand alone. I use the Canna Terra-Vega with it as well as fish emulsion. FF nutes are alright but there is better stuff out there for a comperable price. For flowering making your own Guano Tea concentrate by the gallon is the best and most economical way to feed. I use budswell guano tea and Canna Bio-Flora for flowering, some molasses for the sugars and you are good to go. If you are using soil than earthworm castings in the soil could help.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. Next grow I'm going to hit the hydro store and try some of the other nutes you're all talking about. :D


Well-Known Member
Canna is what i recently switched to. Havent completed a first run yet 22nd Jan 2011 is roughly when my 9week Flowering PPP will be at the end of week10 so i've allowed ripening time. I gave her 11weeks veg under a 200w CFL lol


Yeah Right

Active Member
I'm not so sure I'd panic or even be bothered. Using N from the big fan leaves is normal later in flowering. It should help make the flushing process easier as mother nature is doing the harder work for you now. Just my 2 cents. Our grows share some things in common.


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure I'd panic or even be bothered. Using N from the big fan leaves is normal later in flowering. It should help make the flushing process easier as mother nature is doing the harder work for you now. Just my 2 cents. Our grows share some things in common.
For the record I'm definitely not panicking and realize it's normal in nature for it to happen to an extent. I'm also definitely leaving my current plants alone because it's so late in flowering too. However, now that I've had about 4-5 grows under my belt I'm starting to wonder what little things I can do to improve overall yields and this sure looks like one of those things to do.

Just to show you how stingy I've been with veg nutes: I've been using the same three pack of Fox Farms nutes since I started growing. Big bloom and Tiger Bloom are 1/4th full now. Meanwhile, my Grow Big bottle is still nearly full. :oops:

Anyhow next grow I'm going to give Canna a try and stop being so damn stingy with veg nutes too. :mrgreen:

Yeah Right

Active Member
I may have jumped the gun on my post. I re-read yours AFTER I posted. Like you, I'm going top be making some adjustments going forward. Have you grown the same strain every time?