skam's feminized white widow cfl closet grow


Active Member
I recently purchased 10 feminzed white widow seeds from a kind seed place, and im jonesing to give them life. Since this is one of my first grows (first with cfls in a closet) ill still try to be as descriptive as possible, since i only have cell phone camera technology. My closet is 88" wide, 24" deep and 8 feet tall, which means i can only grow a single row of plants. I have 2 fans in my room, one in the closet is a small 8" honeywell parrallell(?) to the walls for max circulation. the other fan is a Lasko 16" fan which pans. since my room is on the west side of the building, the heat is intesnse only at the afternoon/evening period. its direct sunlight from noon till sundown so our apt. heats up, but is relativily cool in the morining and night my room with window open and fan going stay at about 21-25 celcuis, unless it heats up to more than 27 celcuis outside.

I soaked 3 seeds (i would like to dial it in before attempting more plants) in my beer mug 3/4 full o' distilled water for about 18 hours. i believe i put them in the mug at 11 pm and at 420 the next day they had split. i also played bob marley and jack johnson (fuck off haters) at a soft level (i could barley hear it from 2" away from the plant) in the cupboard they were and are currently in.

Placed split seeds between 3 moistend paper towes (2 on botton 1 on top) and placed them in a ziplock baggie, which i then exhaled into and zipped it up leaving the very end corner open. Placed baggie in my cupboard above the fridge. the cupboard is about 23-28 celcuis depending on if one of the doors is open.

So today is Day 3 - may 16th 2007???
My babies have shown me their little tails. i want to plant em tomorow because my douchebag roomate didnt give me the cable money yet (between paychecks) i havent bought my soil.(i know im fucking retarded and not very prepared but thats how i roll, baby!). Swiched the bob marley/jack johnson loop on my mp3 to different albums by the same artists.

Day 4
Roomie has paid me my cashish! so i went to rona and picked up some cil seed starter mix. and a 35l bag of good old pro-mix. also picked up a new soil ph meter since my other one would only register 7-7.1 with any soils i tested. (i check it on my neighbors roses and the city's flower that was heaty..same result). One seed has an extremely long taproot, like a fucking unbelievable quarter inch! I have cut 3 Disani bottles to about 5 1/2 inches tall and poked about 2-3 holes per foot (there are 5 bubbles on the bottom of the bottle, i call em feet). Placed starter seed mix in plastic bottles and watered the shit out of the soil. 20 minds later, i poked holes in the moist soil and tossed in my babies. coverd them up with a fine, 1/8-1/4 inch of soil. misted the top layer so it looked as moist as soil under neath. smooched my babies and put them about fridge in cupboard. changed the marley again.



Active Member
im waiting for a little sprout action now. its been 2 days since seeds were sowed. soil is moist, my ziplock baggies and elastic bands are making a decent moisture tent. (i use the corner to form a large peak that recycles what ever water is trying to evaporate). Still nothing going.
Picked up these 4, HI-OUTPUT 32watt cfls from here (Canadian Tire) and they're great...they each give off 2200 lumens each (8800 total)so think im safe to use those for the next 2 weeks. Id like to transplant my babies when they have a few sets of true leafs...but everyone i talk to says that transplating from a cut up disani bottle is a real bitch(i have taped a cut up beer can to the outside of it so in the event these babies grow...they wont be raped by light). thanks all for now...still giving me babies love till they sprout. peace out!


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Day 5
seeds havent sprouted yet. bummer since they friggin germinated so finely..much thanks to kind seed co who have the best seeds i have ever seen. i have been playing a lot of deftones on the stereo lately so hopefully its not mixing up my plants emotions they are quite polar opposites. does anyone notice a difference when you play music for your babies? my journeyman grower says he plays his babies classical music like bach and shit...but thats mega gay! im blasting them with a mix of mellow bob marley and jack johnson. i am going to switch to sublime-311-illscarlet soon..although im thinking maybe ill keep bob and jack for these plants and next batch will be the aformentioned sublime-311-illscarlet mix.


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DAYO NUMERO (whatever 6 is in spanish) 6
1 sprout is showing! yah baby! its actually a quite large sprout...only 1 round leaf is visible but if i look under the seed half (without touching it because it is not loose)...i can see 2 extremely tiny true leafs.Its looking yellow-green but more a pale yellow. I have moved seeds to under my 40 watt halogen ikea esspresso desk lamp (not for long this whore gets too hot! but puts out 3200 lumens) and i'll be putting it (the sprouted one) under my 2 42 whooring watt CFL's in about...when i stop typing this and get baclk from superstore with some gummi frogs! i have the munchies for some unknown reason!


Active Member
A SUPER QUICK UPDATE....NEVER LEAVE YOUR SPROUTING BABY UNDER THAT LAMP...its so hot underneath i have moved it further away from my baby as my baby leaned over towards the i have to put cfls on opposite side of bend (about 20-30!). so if your reading this...dont do what i did because i am retarded!


Active Member
DAY 7 (overall not from sprouting!!!)
2 sets of tiny leafs visible starting to grow vertically and sprouts is totally straightened out, the 2 large round leaves are still speading out and the tiny true leafs are getting some sweet sunlight action. When i can, ill put up some pics of my ghetto light set up,from my rommies ghetto cell phoen camera.
I have a painted white milk-crate lined with white cereal box insides that's got 2 y-splitters with 2 32 watt daylight cfls (i think either the real canadian-eh- superstore or canadian tire has them for like 20 bills for 2) and 2 29 watt daylight cfls. so 4 lights total (2@2200 lumens and 2@1600 lumens = 7000 total per crate). also gave the other prouted plant my biker pal as respect. he doesnt know where i got it, he just knows its feminized white widow... because thats how i roll!
THE REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE is having a sale (in my city) on these 2-bulb t8/t-12 compatable 48" plug in ballast included lights. they are 20 bucks a pop so i picked up 3, went to rona and got 6, 40 watt t-12 6500k for about 20 bucks, and 6 more t-12 3000k bulbs...also installed these t-12 4100k lights. the chuckle-headed stoner (big ups to you eh! thanks for approaching me) said they work real good for seedlings. NEVER TRUST A STORE EMPLOYEE. TELL THEM NOTHING...EVER!! so i paid in cash and walked the extra longway home. i figure john law cant follow me through the trails without me noticing! so now im hose safe and trying to put cell phone pics on this bitch!! peace out!


Active Member
Good day eh, and welcome to day 8
Sprout is looking sharp, the 2 true leafs are growing anf growing, they have grown about 2 mm a day and are 2 centimeters long now. they will surpass the original leafs in size sometime tomorow. soil is still moist to touch which is keen because i havent watered it in 3 days. i will probably giver a spray of distilled water tonight. or tomorow night, she aint gonna dry up!


Active Member
Day 10
i watered my baby last night and this morning shes got 2more sets of leafs. that would make 4 true leafs and 2 original leafs. shes still pretty short, about the size of a chapstick tube, but my concern now is the skinny-ness of the sprouts bottom... it is skinny, maybe thats normal for white widow, but in everyones pics i seen they are not near as skinny as mine..fuck!!
when i moved the beer can to check out the roots, i can see 4 long roots, down to almost the bottom of the dasani water bottle she's in. i want to transplant her soon, but not sure if i should wait till the sprout is a little thicker...i'll upload pics tonight, and i appriciate ya'lls imput aswell. peace out!


Active Member
oh no, i really hope not. i just gave her a little water like 2 cap fulls and thats the first time ive watered her since plantation. but im new so i have no doubt it is possible. thanks eh! peace


Active Member
terrible news everyone. my apt. building chose this week to replace our boilers/water system and as a result, there has been no heat available for the last 4 days, which was fine, but the goddamn tempature in my apt right now is 68 F (maybe 70F in my closet with that halogen bulb heating up the dark blue plate for warmth, buts its still bullshit cold) its aboot 8 degrees celcuis outside. and is supposed to stay that cold for a couple days. im hoping we get some fucking heat asap because i am cold, and immenent death for my plants if i cant keep em warm!respect.


Well-Known Member
should be fine at 70f. * degrees celcius outside danm son were you living siberia? I am in toronto and its 30 degress celsus right now


Active Member
i know alberta weather is fucked royally! its snowing south of town and north of town its fucking 20 degrees. weather sucks balls. so it would appear when i watered that sucker, a drop of water landed on the tip of a leave and it burned it slightly. i guess water is a whoore of a magnifying glass and its my own fault for not swabbing it with q-tip after i watered it, it was late and i was tired, so...dont fucking do that!! I have to transplant my baby asap as i can see a root tip in one of the holes i cut for water drainage. now its off to rona for more soil. (i decided on a ghetto setup of 4 plastic milk crates with this kick ass material liner glued inside it to let water seep out but no roots!!) them milk crates hold a lot of soil. about 18 square litres! im sure its overkill in terms of only going to let the widow grow to about 10" maybe a foot and then, blamo!!! clone and flower!!


Active Member
DAY 10 (from day 7 from sprout)
watered my baby for the second time, the usual 2 cap fulls, but added another cap full as its going through 3 every 3 days. made sure not to get water on the leaves again!! rotated plant 90 degree, turned the marley up a little louder!


Active Member
DAY 13 (10 from sprout)
had to lop off the injured leaf, as it was too burned and taking awy much needed energy, waited untill the new biggest leaves were just as big as the one i had to cut off, it was too burned. now there are 7 leafs and 4 of them are sprouting out as branches...holy shit, the governator is on hockey night in canada. i must watch playoffs now...booo sens! peace.
TRANSPLANTED my baby, she was showing me her hot i cut open the dasani bottle, well one on each side, and put her into a cut up 2l milk bottle. poked some whooles for the water to drain. now im freaking out because im thinking i bought some shitty soil from rona, there are fucking flies inside the soil bag. (came in re-sealable bag and when i opend it up today, like frui flies came out...wonder if they're worth worrying aboot??) ill take a more recent picture tonight when the roomie gets home. since he owns the cell phone! peace.


Active Member
DAY 14
my baby's leaf tips are starting to yellow, im not sure if its still burnt from water...but i is a little worried. im going to take a cell phone pic now, it should be up here today.