I'm growing with a space that's not even 4' tall in my closet with 2x 250w MH and I've also got some Sativas going. No problems, just top and or flower when still short.I emailed them yesterday, havent heard anything back yet. If they do make it right, I'll recommend the Attitude to everyone. If they dont... I'd still probably order from them again. Im not too upset about it.
4 foot is pretty limiting, but I'm considering using a closet with about 6 foot of space vertically. If I do that, I might grab a 400, but that will be next grow. I should be able to get 6 plants to fit in my current location, and if I top them, the vertical limitation shouldnt be too bad.
Uh, no... I wouldn't have done that. Couldn't you have added exhaust with a duct fan, maybe cooltube that thing? I used to have a couple 1000's and once you're used to growing with that it's hard to go with less.my room is 3ft by 8 ft closet; and im growing 8 plants. Right now im using a 1000w hps/mh light but its just too hot in there. should i order like 5 of these? (b/c i just did...)
Depends on the size of the grow space and temperature of the surrounding room(s) and the area you live in. In the summer I run an exhaust fan and sometimes a window a/c unit to combat the heat my 500w of hid's put off or my room would be 85f or more all the time.oregon i just picked up 2 of these will these be better thn my 6 23 w and 2 4 foot tubes both with 3800 lumens.... will i need anything other thn a ocilating fan? (already have) such as a cooling duct or any of that?
Yep, if it's cold now where you are you'll be fine with just a fan. If you want to keep using them in the summer when it gets hot out you may have to do a bit more.so these 20$ hps will work fine without anything but a fan and yes its cold where i live now...
Has anyone used one of these yet? How do they compare (performance wise) to a traditional 150w hps?