Skunk#1 / Bubblegum Cfl First Grow


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Hi every 1 as you can tell from the titlle this is my first CFL grow im a bit late starting this so i will try and fill you in the best i can to date so here goes (any thing you think i missed just ask).

Im on about day 19 from when i could take the lid of my propagator im using a 20 liter NFT tank with 3in rockwool cubes but insteaad of using a rock wool insert im using coco jiffy pods which i started the seeds off in once they had cracked in the paper towel when the roots came out the pods they went in to the rock wool which i had soaked in ph downed water and then just sprayed with carbonated spring water until the roots came out of the rockwool cubes about 5 days and they then went in the tank they were under a a 65w cfl blue speck and a 18w warm cfl. Quick list of what in growing and using:-P.

1 bubble gum
2 skunk #1
1 65w cfl
18w cfl
1 250cfl blue veg/1 250 red flower
canna neuts for veg and flower
1 cupbored stolen from the
fans and other stuff to but you get the picture
here are sum pics of when they had been in there tank for 3 days( day 11)DSCF0415.jpgDSCF0414.jpg
Not the best i no but here they are. This is where the took off when they went in to the tank they went in with 10lt of water and on half neuts and ph down to about 6.4, under advice from a close pal of mine he told me to wait until my pump had come out of the water a bit then it would be time for full neuts and this would take about 2 weeks well 6 more days past and then the pump was out so more picks before they went on full nuets (day13)
The first pic is 1 of the sk1 and the 2nd pic of all of them the plant on the left is my bubble gum and the 1 on the right is the other sk1 .like i said if theres any thing you want to no just say.

my plan was to add a 250 cfl just after the went on to full neut which i did today ( day19) and then veg for 4 weeks but due to stuff i wont be around so i will only veg for 21 more days then flip them to 12/12 and change to my red spec 250. i will be adding a net in soon to train then along as im a bit tight for head room.

so this is them today under ther new light on full neuts for 2 days.DSCF0435.jpgDSCF0432.jpgDSCF0434.jpg
I would love to say all is well:-o and good but its not:-( my temps were about 68 to 74 at the most but new lights in and its gone up to about 84 even with the fan on it is this to high i have read loads on how they should be 2 to 4 inches away so they get the best from the light but when mine are at that distance the temp goes to 90 and i no thats not a good thing so i have backed it of to about 6 inches but i feel i should go more but i dont want it to strech to much you no what do you think.?:?:



Active Member
Day 21.
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just an update for all you you read my first post (thank you) i sorted the heat problem it now sits about 78 and as you can see i give them a trim,just the fan leaves that were taking over and just to let more light in.more pics and updates to come but til then see ya...


Well-Known Member
shit looks very heathy check out my grow just finishing up 484 actual cfl watts day 58 of flower today actually pulling my grape jellys tonite


Active Member
Thanks man i checked out your vid looks like its ready dude nice one. did you ever have heat problems with your grow?


Well-Known Member
not really have good air movement have my intake fan my exhaust fan and a fan just to circulate air as long as i have them all running usualy no more than 77deg


Active Member
DSCF0473.jpgDSCF0474.jpgDSCF0468.jpgDSCF0472.jpgDSCF0470.jpgWell now that i have found the time to take and up load these to show you her progress since her first trim. (no topping or fim )I have noticed that the bubble gum does not seem to be growing her branches as wide as the others (last pic) can any one shed some light on why this may be? also im probably going to take the set of big fans off as the lower branches still dont seem to be getting good light i will do this on all of them.But till next time peace and stay lucky.


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day 26 of veg...

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Day 26 of veg now and there filling out well the tallest 1 stands about 12 inches and the others about 10 inces.I dont no what to do next or when to flip to flower i am planning to put a net at about 18 inches and just be for they come through it flip it then and then train along the neting as my mate done it like that and got 350g dry off of 1 G13 plant after 6 weeks veg and 10 weeks flower so im hoping i can get half of that .lol but chime in let me no what you think.

Also there drinking 10 liters of full neuts now every 4 days and they love it i have had no burning i have had to prune a lot of the big fans off to let more light in lower down but they bounce back every 3 days i have to do more pruning so as im a bit late putting this post on here i will post again later with the new pics now there 30 days so until then peace...


yo that rock wool is making that plant really healthy
and that buble coosh is the one on the left? different strains grow differently dude man


Active Member
Day 30 veg.DSCF0488.jpgDSCF0489.jpgDSCF0492.jpgDSCF0494.jpgDSCF0490.jpgWell day 30 i think there doing ok im going to snip off some of the big fans later to let more light in lower down i have been doing it since the start to let the inner branches get good light and i think this is why its so bushy in there. can any 1 tell me if im seeeing pre flower in pic 4?.


Active Member
Tt comes on and goes off with the lights it has a air valve which is open to full its got 20 liters of water whice i left to stand for 48 hours ph down to 6.2 after adding 40 ml of neuts (20 per 10L) but at the min i top up every 4 days with 10L of fresh water and neuts i will empty it when i flip it to flower and do 20L of flower neuts till i get to week 8 Then i will flush for 7 to 10 days.


Active Member
Sorry if i didnt make it clear in my last post my res pumps the water and neuts in to a tray which has a spreader mat on it the rock wool sits on it its at an angel so the water just runs back in to the res the pump also puts air in to the water that is pumped up to the tray so the roots are all happy you got to keep it dark or the roots can start to die and cause loads of problems.


Active Member
Nice.. I'm thinking of making a flood and drain type outta something litter box size. Be a lot easier to do water changes with a scrog.


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DSCF0499.jpgDSCF0497.jpgDSCF0498.jpgThey look a bit bare to me now i cut out a lot of the big fans now i have a lot better air movement and a lot more light getting to what i hope will be bud sites from what i can see it seems to be working as some of the branches a starting to level out at the top of the plant. I dont think i will be going on time any more as to when o flip them over to flower i will be goinng on how fast the get to 20 inches as that is the height of where my net will be going in coz i got limited head room and i dont want any heat issues later on.


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DAY 37 VEG..
DSCF0506.jpgWell day 37 of veg im puting in my net and fillter system this week and and im looking to put then in to flower in the next 10 days just before they come up through the net to be trained i will be take in two cuttings from each of them so if any of them are female i will have mothers for my next grow the sk 1s are fem seeds so fingers crossed i know there is a chance of them all being male but as long as 1 is a female i will be happy there putting out 11 blade leaves and there all short and stocky and i think im seeing pre flower but im not sure. I got some blue cheese and some normal cheese clones in the pipe line also maybe for my next grow if this does fail. when i take my cuttings i will lolllypop them as well so i get all the neuts going up the top of the plant where the action is lol.