skunk 1 cloning


currently cloning skunk 1 and was wondering how long it usually took people. its currently been 8 days and i see no signof root development, usully by 7 i have nubs, i use an aero cloner same as i always have is it me or does this strain just take a little longer to flower? the water is def not over 75 and the stems dont seem very mushy, but maybe a little, any helps appreciated


Active Member
cant help ya with aero, but......... I see roots in 7 days using a basic 10x20 tray with a heat mat and 7" humidity dome and a splash of B-1. 100% success rates. i use a layer coco on the bottom of the tray then set the starters on top. keeps their feet nice and toasty. i dont even have to mist them. when roots poke out i cover them with a bit more coco until ready to pre-veg in 12oz cups.


my water temps were around 70for awhilei think that may be rooting them slow i dont care how slow they root as long as they do.i uusally have 100 percent success as well its only been 7 days i guess i shouldnt panic yet