Skunk #11 First Grow - Journal


Well-Known Member
You said something about a MH lamp coming in i think in an earlier post... did that ever happen?
Or is this still the 400W hps? Maybe the droopy one will like the MH better.

I've been using a MH since like..Day 5 or something like that. And it's Day 18. I'm thinking about feeding it nutes, I think it sucked up all the nutes just like it did the water. That thing is a MONSTER. I swear it has been SEXED to GROW.


Well-Known Member
Day 19: I started LSTing my monster. I plan on in a week, transplanting this to a 3 gallon bag. Also, the week following this, I'm going to experiment with Fox Farm Big Bloom. I plan on starting with 1/4 tps >> 1 gallon.

Here's a picture of the LST. The lights been on for an hour, and I'm already seeing amazing growth. This was 3 minutes after the light came on.



Well-Known Member
I'll update with more pictures at the end of the day to show LST's growth rate on my monster.


Well-Known Member
After checking my roots I decided to transplant now. 3/4 Are in 3 Gallon Bags. Hopefully they will all do well and get no shock. I am going to buy more soil today at my local shop. Will take pictures at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
Cool LST, whenever you get a chance, can we get a birdseye pic? maybe in a day or two..



Well-Known Member
Yeah already planned on it. Thanks for coming was starting to get lonely!

Update: 4/4 Plants transplanted. New growth on the LST is amazing. Will be feeding it here when the new soil dries out.

I also ordered my tempered glass. Soon I will be able to put the lights closer. So I'm happy about that.


Well-Known Member
Plant started uprooting and is tipping over by itself =\. I fully expect it to be dead in a day. Sucks..anyways I Stopped LSTing and hopefully it will survive.


Well-Known Member
Hey sky, I would repot the big plant and bury it up to the first set of leaves. Hope everything turns out ok!


Well-Known Member
All plants are still alive. I gave 3/4 of the plants nute burn. Just flushed them today. Will update with pictures. Not bad nuteburn. Should get better soon.


Well-Known Member
Glad to here the plants are ok. As you now know, you have to be careful with the nutes. If you care for them "too much" you can kill them just as quick as not enough!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the cool thing about it is it actually took alot of the nutes. They grew alot and then got the burn. But I learned my lesson, don't nute till you can't fix the droop :P.


Well-Known Member
Day 26: Almost 3 weeks into the grow, has felt like forever. Lots of growth after flushing the plants. First I'm going to post some pictures of the LST, there's three growths on it and absolutley nothing holding it down.

The rest have some nitrogen burn which I will show a picture of. Also have pics of stalks :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks uber! I'm really happy with them. I'm wondering how soon I should flower them. Wish I could find my fucking ruler! Was told to flower at 2 feet..


Well-Known Member
beautiful plants sky! You could flower them now but I would wait another week. It would increase your yield.