Skunk #11 First Grow - Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey sky, how are the plants doing these days. After about 5 weeks of flowering you can get high of the bud. Just take some of the lower ones for a sample.


Well-Known Member
I'm heading out of town. But I when I get back, I will definitely take pictures of the buds for you guys. Trichomes are starting to make the leaves nice and fuzzy. Will get back on Sunday/Monday!

Stay tuned guys!


Well-Known Member
Day 49 Flowering 29: So, after getting back in town yesterday and waking up late today. My plants were a bit saggy and needed watering. They will survive, just thought I'd let you guys know that's why they are that way in the pics.

This is the runt budding.

Some trichomes on a fan leaf.

Non-Main-Cola Bud



Well-Known Member
Nuted the plants by spraying the soil with nuted water today. Buds are looking amazing!! Also fixed my DIY Coolable Reflector.


Well-Known Member
Day 55 Flowering 35 - Hey Guys, I decided to go in while the light was off (30 mins before it was to come on) and take some pictures. My buds are doing very well. It looks like the runt is maturing faster than the other two. The others still have long white hairs, but the runts hairs are turning red bieng swallowed by the bud.

The Runt (Maturing faster?)

The Other Two



Well-Known Member
Oh wow that one is maturing MUCH faster.
It looks great though man, you'll have a nice early harvest on that one


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome buds!!! I've heard so many things about fem seeds, it's good to see yours turned out well. I'll be starting a skunk grow myself very soon (not exactly the same strain, though) and can only hope they look that good when they're almost done. I'm also experiencing what you have there with one plant flowering way faster than the other in my current grow. I'll be watching yours closely because you're a few weeks ahead. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the praise ^_^! I'm hoping to be able to harvest the runt soon and test taste it. The room is starting to spell REALLY fruity. It's weird though, I don't smell marijuana, I smell fruit.

I'll update with pictures in the next few days!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Awesome buds! Looks like they're gonna be huge. At first I was like "whoa that a lot of dead leaves." But after thinking about it I probably had more. A+ grow. Nice job.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mared! Yeah I'm guessing I'll have water bottle sized buds if not bigger.

And yeah, it really does look like alot of leaves. But the thing about it is, every time I nute the plant, I kill the lower fan either nute and get nice buds or keep leaves ^^.

Edit: I forgot to tell you guys. I bought a HomeBox S (Small).

I can't wait to get this in and I will give a review on it.


Well-Known Member
Nope. They don't die by nute burn. It almost looks like the buds take all the nutrients and grow so much when I give them it that the lower leaves fall off to give more growth to the top.

I did see a little nute burn today, but it was on 1-2 leaves and VERY minor. Looked alot like Nitrogen burn (white tips).

Also, I've heard those are the best tents you can buy. (Brand, not size :P)