ehh. I live in Marylandyeah same here man... i think you live next to me... (I dont live in upper michigan yet)
haha hell yeah, we'll have to go boating and smoke up!ehhhh no im wrong! but i used to live a hour 30 mines away from Maryland actually i still go to Maryland there about 10 times a summerNothing like sailing on the Chesapeake bay!
Yeah thats what im talking about just gotta remember no growing on three mile island! hahahhaha hell yeah, we'll have to go boating and smoke up!
haha you could probly get away with it.Yeah thats what im talking about just gotta remember no growing on three mile island! hahah
got my plants all outside now but i had a problem with something dig up the soil i put in the holes with the plants....i put fox farms ocean and planting mix but something dug a damn i put more chicken wire all around the out side of the hole and it took care of 2 plants but the other one something bent the fence down a bit and dug a small hole bout the size of a pop can..pisses me off i never thot i would of had this big of a issue with animals...gotta be cause i used fox farm soil but didnt sound like any ingredients would of attracted animals...weird....but any one else have this problem and what do yall think my animal is??? and skunk im dying for an update of your new spot and wana see how them girls are doing!!!! happy growing yall
which one you talking to?Bro, just wondering did you keep your seedlings inside at all, or did u go straight from seedling to outdoors. IF you did keep your seedlings inside for a bit, how long did you keep em inside and under what light cycle ?
Yep! No problem.. Maybe you can make a journal if you do pm me or contact me and ill sub to your journal!makes sense mode grow thanks bud
Was talking to Skunk, but anyone can answerwhich one you talking to?
i did start them off inside. but as soon as they sprouted i would keep them outside untill it was fully dark them bring them in. when thier really young the light cycle dont matter. as long as thier about 2 weeks old then ide put them in the ground.Bro, just wondering did you keep your seedlings inside at all, or did u go straight from seedling to outdoors. IF you did keep your seedlings inside for a bit, how long did you keep em inside and under what light cycle ?
yeah, its because you add'd soil " your foxfarm " little critters, rodents / rabbits will tend to dig up freshly add'd soil for some odd reason. but my trick to this is.. after you plant the seedlings, cover your foxfarm with the soil dug up. ive had a really good outcome to my plants all outside now but i had a problem with something dig up the soil i put in the holes with the plants....i put fox farms ocean and planting mix but something dug a damn i put more chicken wire all around the out side of the hole and it took care of 2 plants but the other one something bent the fence down a bit and dug a small hole bout the size of a pop can..pisses me off i never thot i would of had this big of a issue with animals...gotta be cause i used fox farm soil but didnt sound like any ingredients would of attracted animals...weird....but any one else have this problem and what do yall think my animal is??? and skunk im dying for an update of your new spot and wana see how them girls are doing!!!! happy growing yall
im waiting for the right day to do it*cough* update *cough*
haha nah take your time but I am very interested!