Skylight grow UK


So dont know if you guys are checking forupdates but its a week later and my baby is flowering beautifully and thankfully the british weather has been on fantastic. I had some doubts as to whether this was going to work and actually produce something worth while but as the days are going by i'm more and more surprised, maybe its the strain - Killawatt. What information i have gathered is its a hinduKush hybrid known for high yeild and high levels of THC and Canaboid(sp). I will post some photos tomorrow and you can see the growth where the buds are forming and the top cola is looking fantastic.

So see you guys tomorrow for the photos.


So if anyone is wondering the bottle of coke with the cloudly white liquid with the straws coming out is yeast sugar and water which produces co2 so when i put the plant to sleep in the cupboard i postion the straw above the main cola as co2 is heavey Oxygen it should fall over the plant, i hope to eventually get my hands on some thin tube but hey i use what i had around the house. P.s i had no blue tac or putty or cellotape so i had to improvise so i riped up paper towels and layed strips over the top!


Not an old thread buddy i update every week with photos and the new ones should be up tomorrow. Covered in white hairs my friend though the buds dont really seem to be gretting bigger i have a feeling its the size of the pot restricting the roots cause the problems and i'm not sure if it would be safe to transplant this late on. but apart from the buds being slow to grow the plant looks and smells amazing and the leaves are dusted with trichs so im optomistic.


Well-Known Member
looking nice for a sky light grow! leaves are starting to look yellow, can you not get any sort of plant food? even tomatorite will do.


the bottom set of leaves turned yellow and then brown, the next three sets of leaves are various shades of yellow geting more yelow toward the bottom, from what i read i gathered from a plant this small with out nutes would suck various nutes from the lower leaves turning them yellow and eventually brown. Saying that the leaves coming out of the buds are a healthy green covered in trichs and the rest of the plant is also a health green and covered in trichs.

Forgive me if im wrong but thats what i gathered from what i read.


Well-Known Member
your right the plant is feeding on itself thats why the leaves are going yellow then brown, but you should give it alittle feed to stop it doing this, atleast untill its getting close to harvest!


I will definately use nutes on my next grow ubder a skylight but i'm more curious of what ill get without nutes, to see what you can get for spending no money on a grow

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
hey gorman ya need to add nutes or soon you'll have no leaves left on ya plant and in return the plant will most likely stop producing mate, if ya get on top of it now mate you can still pull a decent smoke out of it, a bottle of bio-bizz bloom will only cost you about £10 and will see you through to the end and will also make a massive difference in your end product, if i had to guess at the mo i'd say you probably won't get a great smoke without adding nutes when you could spend a tenner and end up with a decent bit of smoke, it looks like you still got a few weeks left yet mate i don't think it'll make it that far before it starves i could be wrong mate but that tenner spent on nutes will pay you back ten times over and you'll still have some for your next grow mate


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I wonder how this grow turned out because I'm doing something very similar.

I've seen some pictures of a summer window grow with no nutrients, it came out pretty good, he had about 19 grams in weight from it. I think he lived in the US though and he got about 9 hours of direct sunlight on his plant during flower. Lol.
I've seen some pictures of a summer window grow with no nutrients, it came out pretty good, he had about 19 grams in weight from it. I think he lived in the US though and he got about 9 hours of direct sunlight on his plant during flower. Lol.
Yeah but this guy had an old fashioned skylight, not a window. I'm getting 5 hours direct sun, but only when I move the plants a few times a day. I'm just wondering why more people don't use skylights. What am I missing?