skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 044.jpgPicture 042.jpgPicture 043.jpgcen-cal is in the middle of a serious heat wave [105-108 f.] i increased the growth food to try to combat the stretch & did a preventive spray for spidermites as once they get started can be a real bitch to get rid of here is a lights on view of them im an insulin dependant diabetic & im battling neuorapathy in my feet & legs i still work but im hoping this will help ease the pain & allow me some sleep at night if i increase the dose


Well-Known Member
Picture 045.jpgPicture 046.jpgPicture 047.jpgstill hot outside & ive set my timer 900am.-900pm. to run my light in the coolest hours for now it appears the stretch might be slowing down some should be starting to bud any day now:weed:


Well-Known Member
looks good herk. im running my lights from 6pm to 6 am, short of putting ac in that's as good as i can get it, air from under my house around the plants, through the hoods into the attic and into a carbon scrubber, keeping it breezy, your girls look fine...WOW i was going to say something else and forgot, i better toke up. oh yeah i member now

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to horribleherk again.



Well-Known Member
wow james our set-ups are similar i pull cool air from under my house via an 8'' duct fan as i dont have ac either been doing it for 3 years now i worded my hours wrong its 900pm.-900am. it used to be 600pm.-600am. but the setting sun hits the front of my room so i moved the time for lights on to about dark i dont have a carbon scrubber though i dont have the room or the budget for ac. this is the hottest heat wave yet today theyre predicting 111-f. heat im not too sharp with the computer or i would for sure give you a rep comment as youve done pretty much what ive been doing for 3 years & thats taking what i have & making it work


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgi started my clones on mild nutes 2 days ago they seem to be doing well i havent decided if im gonna do 4 or 6 plants next grow


Well-Known Member
Picture 048.jpgPicture 049.jpgjust finished supercropping & lowered my canopy by about 8'' it didnt reach 111-degrees today but it made 106 this isnt good but its not the end of the world either were just putting the strain to the test its supposed to cool down to the low 90's by this week-end im more concerned about the stretch than the heat but all-in-all things are still going good:mrgreen:

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
Good work herk! Man, those are some crazy temps. Hopefully they will drop before any damage is done. Whatever you are doing is working.


Well-Known Member
just checked my girls lights on temp is 82-degrees i can live with that mu 8'' duct fan that pulls cool air from under the house sure helps


Active Member
Hey herk, it's looking real nice! Clones looking badass as well. I had a question though about pests, b/c I'm finding small little bite like holes in some of my leaves, and some random white specs, (suspect it might be my perlite flying around everywhere). I've put up scotch tape around the box, and inspected with my 40x loupe. Have yet to see a bug, but I know there's SOMETHING munching on my girl's leaves. Another thing I noticed, might be some cal/mag def. Random brown blotches on couple of my leaves. I've ordered some floramite, and I haven't actually looked up directions yet, but I'm guessing it's gonna be x amount of floramite to one gallon or such right? Should I just spray all around on the leaves and on the soil? Should I hit the soil of the two seeds I have germinating in there as well? My plant is around a week into flowering, it should be alright to spray it right? And I noticed people are saying don't use the full batch just once, but rather split it up into 1/4 or so increments? Any help would be great, thanks!


Well-Known Member
Picture 050.jpgPicture 051.jpgPicture 052.jpgPicture 053.jpgi avoid spraying of seeds ,small seedlings & small clones once a growth pattern is established its good to go the garden safe stuff from wal-mart works good you can use epsom salt [1 tablespoon per gal. of nutrients or water] if you dont have cal-mag i start leaving the cal mag out in late flowering if you got any ?'s feel free to ask & if i can be of help i will be glad to be there my clones are rooting right on schedule 10 of the 20 are showing roots & im sure the rest will root in the next few days ill select from the healthiest for my next grow it takes more than one grow to get the best a strain has to offer:fire:


Well-Known Member
good looking roots herk, nice fat and white :) I ended up using the aeroponic method as all other methods for some reason didn't work for me...on a whim i bought a lil oxycloner when i was at my local grow shop and that little bugger works great! My giant rubbermaid homemade deal is now in retirement in the carport. I have been learning a lot about seed breeders and companies and cups since i joined here and now understand about growing several times till you get the right pheno.....I mostly want to grow indica dom strains for my body aches so I'm hoping the skywalker/kush is going to be closer to my goal. I have started using cal-mag now for the first time since I started growing six years ago. i realize now that yes I have been growing very good mj compared to whats available on the streets but i want to achieve the next level. I dont care so much about yield as I do potency, but a good yield is satisfying too! So I'm going to hang around for a while and see if i can level up....thankyou herk and riu!


Active Member
Hey herk, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I've got my azamax in the mail today, and I've read through the directions. .5tsp/gal? Sound right to you? And that's the full dosage? Should I go .25tsp/gal and spray once a week for the next two-three weeks? And whens the best time to spray? Before lights off right? I'm tempted to spray it once lights come on which is six pm for me... think as long as I wipe the leaves down afterwards the light wont burn holes through em?

Nice looking clones btw :). Wanted to grow skywalker og kush, but seems pricey to me... =T


Well-Known Member
i always spray right after the lights go out & turn on the oscillating fan so theyve had time to dry out before lights on it dont take much to kill spidermites i would try the weak solution first i have had bug spray & lights on kill new tender growth so im always cautious hey james it really is all about what works best for you especialy when it comes to cloning


Well-Known Member
Picture 054.jpgPicture 055.jpgstill waiting for buds & im sure 5 days of 105+ heat slowed things up a bit im seeing all kinds of bud sites trying to form & the stretch has pretty much stopped as i was getting worried. hey treesgoesmoo youre right these seeds get pricey & its a set-back every time i change strains i have 3 friends that grow as well that help me out with seed purchases & in turn i help them out with clones. azamax is supposed to be good stuff for spidermites im gonna prune off a bunch of the non productive bottom growth in the next few days today is also feed day things are gonna get interesting soon as the buds get here this strain seems to be a medium feeder


Well-Known Member
Picture 057.jpgPicture 056.jpgPicture 058.jpgi havent pruned yet but i gave everything a good feeding last night i wish the buds would come :sad: im gonna go back over my notes but i think it has been 3 weeks since the flip theyre showing all the signs but just a bit slower than im used to :? hopefully a few weeks down the road i can look back & laugh at my impatience what i said about this strain being a medium feeder seems to be holding true i get my best healthiest growth when i avoid the aggressive growth dose & ph. 6.4-6.6 seemsto be what they like i know this is a long winded thread & want to thank the people who have shown interest by the time im done with this strain i will be able to give you people an honest evaluation of the strain & the product it produces:weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 213.jpgPicture 195.jpgPicture 085.jpgPicture 031.jpgPicture 034.jpgPicture 014.jpgim gonna try to pull up some highlites of past grows as this skywalker has some rather large boot prints to fill as ive had some very good grows along with some let downs but way more good than bad


Well-Known Member
the purp without the can in the pic is tga-querkle the purp with the coors cans is sannies killing fields the querkle was grown under my 600 hps the k/f was grown under a 1000w. hps as well as the pure ak next to the tsingtao bottle the 2 litre buds were slh grown under the 600w. hps


Well-Known Member
i went over my notes i flipped the light 12/12 on june 17 theyre trying to bud & ive got a nice canopy developed all the ground work is in place you know i started out indoor growing about 3 years ago & my room hasnt been empty since i bought a $169.00 400w.hps from htg. supply & grew bagseed in soil & 5 gal buckets then i built a bubbleponic set-up it all took off from there & RIU has been my security blanket ive tried other sites but this is my prefered one you see a lot of stuff come & go here [remember roseman & the bubbleheads???] but all in all a real decent bunch of helpful people here & i like to give back when i can & hopefuly someone can get some usefull info out of my long winded threadPicture 059.jpgPicture 060.jpgPicture 061.jpgi know pics without buds arent that interesting I'm hopig to change that here real soon:bigjoint: